Chapter 18

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Lisa kept looking at me as we were driving do much until she made me uncomfortable what Lisa why are you starring at me? I'm just glad I'm meeting someone that means about to you. I want to make a good impression ( I'm thinking to myself you should have thought about last night ) Lord if my grandma reads this girl it won't be pretty. We listen to some music on the way I stopped at Mary's BBQ for some sweet tea my granny loves their tea. We arrived at my Granmy's house they were still working a little ways from her house. Man it was loud I was early so I thought that would give her and Lisa time to talk God help me.. I knocked on the door Granmy answered and the way she looked when she opened the door wasn't thrilled!! Hi baby, come on in she gave me a hug ahh granny you remember Lisa yes I remember hello. Hello how are you thank you for allowing me be a part of  you and Michel's Sunday. You're welcome. Will you excuse me for a moment sure. ( Lisa looked at the pictures on the wall you have a beautiful home) thank you so much. Granmy was trying to call ME's cell phone but she only got the voice mail. What in the Sam hill am I going to do? Micheal went into the kitchen to get ice for the tea he had brought  Granmy got ice for the tea? Yes look in the deep freezer... Oh I see it...    Well I hope this goes well I'm going to trust you I'm going to need you to help me through this.  (Granmy prayed to herself) So Micheal tells me that  you are to credit for his love for the arts  . I would like to think I had a little to do with that Mikey is an excellent piano player. You've never told me you play the piano I haven't in a while oh yes he can sing too really? The things we learn ... I would love for you to play something later.  Granmy really for me please . Only for you.

It was 2:45 I didn't want to be late.. So I started towards Michel's grandmother's house I hoped that I remembered how to get there I was only here that I one time. I drove around in circles because I kept missing my turn. I finally found her place. As I drove up I paid no attention to any of the cars parked all I knew is  that  it was people working on the street. I got out some guy hollars hey beautiful you just made my Sunday.  I gave him what I call a church smile and walked up to the  condo and knocked on the door. Granmy answered hello ME as she greeted with a hug come on in as I walked towards her dinning area I knew that was Micheal my heart damn near jumped out of my chest and I tried not to have this crazy look on my face. I couldn't say what the hell is he doing here however this was his grandmother, but then I seen Lisa Omg Omg I thought breathe and excuse yourself come on ME .

(Micheal looked like he just seen a ghost)(Thinking to himself)  ME WHAT!!! WHY IS SHE HERE? I mean I'm glad she's here I want to talk to her but why is she at my Granny's I forgot all about Lisa being here for a moment . I stood up immediately,  Hey ME are you I'm fine how are you? Fine thanks ahh you know Lisa yes hello Lisa hello.. Well lets all have a seat. I felt like a fish out of water. Why did she invite me here? Why did my Granmy invite ME here and Lisa at the same time this made no sense. I excused myself and went into the kitchen my Granmy quickly followed ... Granny what are you doing ? I invited ME over I was hoping you both could talk but why then did you allow Lisa to come I didn't!! Yes you did I called you and ask and you said yes. Hell Mikey I didn't hear you say Lisa I thought you were saying you were on the way the noise was so loud I couldn't hear  you . What am I going to do? Look Mikey we're going to have a good time that's it we're going to talk and socialize and enjoy each other's company.  please help me I don't want to mess this up then don't.

Look ME I'm sorry about last night I got a little tipsy you know how that goes. No I don't but that's fine. I'm going to have to stop drinking Micheal hates when I drink. I'm here to hopefully make a good impression on his Granmy. I see and why are you here? I really don't know but I  responded by saying "I was invited by his grandmother. I was actually  about to  leave when both Micheal and his grandmother returned. (As they walked in you could feel the tension so Granmy decided to lighten the load)  Micheal play something for me, Now?  Yes please  come lets go to the piano. What Micheal plays the piano wow. He begin to play so Granmy what do you want to here. What about Easy by the Commodores that's an old song but I love it.. Easy it is he begin to play it.. It was simply beautiful... He begin to sing to his grandmother, I was amazed his voice was beautiful Lisa's mouth was opened all this time and she never knew he could play piano and sing.ME, Lisa sing .. I'm sorry I don't sing Lisa said,  ME will you join in do you know the song yes ma'am my mother loved this song and Leo Sales oh yes I love him too , Mikey you know that song  too please sing it both of you for me. Micheal begin to play Easy..(we begin to sing)  our voices were amazing together. It was scary we also  sung the song by Leo Sayers " When I need love" I begin to get sad .. This song reminds me of my mother and brother ... Its good to let go every now and then . you both sound beautiful together,Thank you I walked toward the window I was teary eyed. Micheal looked at me as I walked off his grandmother came over to see if I was ok. I explained that those songs reminded me of my mother and brother and it just makes me realize how much I miss them.  Its ok Sweetie they're looking down on you and they are so proud of the woman you've become are you sure about that oh yes I'm sure.I would be proud to call you my granddaughter or daughter thank you  (I gave her a big hug) Micheal looked with humble and caring eyes. Lisa could see how his grandmother took to ME and she didn't look happy about it at all.  Come on wipe those eyes. I did just that and went and sat back down.   

Lisa begin to speak on the article she was writing for her newspaper about the dinner party and the sponsorship of my program. Lisa ask how it made me feel to have received this grant. I explained to her that it's so many kids and families that will benefit from the generosity given by the Higgins and I am appreciative and humbled that they chose our program,  Granmy they really do some wonderful work over there the kids are getting the tools needed and support to change their lives and break the cycle (Micheal interjected) . My mother use to always say" it's not what you're called it's what you answer too". I've always taken that to heart. I've never cared about being rich or making lots of money when I realized that my purpose was to help and serve others I promised that I would do that to the best of my ability .   We can't choose what family were born into but we can choose the course  direction of our lives. We can live right and try to do right by people and ourselves. Without Integrity, accountable, responsibility, support, compassion, love and understanding having any type of power or money would be irrelevant to me.  So ME you're saying that you don't want to make money. No Lisa I didn't say that we know you have to have money to live and move to certain levels but I don't want money to ever dictate the person I am. I don't want money to be the guiding forces behind significant choices I may have to make in my life. Micheal had this look of admiration on his face but why? Micheal was so use to dating women that was at a certain status or looked a certain way or carried a certain type of " Je ne sais quoi".  Micheal's grandmother spoke up and said I think all people should have that attitude it's noting wrong with being selective of the type of people you should associate yourself with but make sure you're judging them for the right reasons and not for all the superficial ones.  

Micheal defiantly didn't feel like he deserves to be around ME. He felt ashamed  on how he had chosen his counter parts in the past and the present. His father was always very judgmental; on the females he brought home or just friends in general. If parents went in a certain group he felt I should move on and find more suitable friends that I had things in common with. I thought that I had matured from allowing him to continue to do that but I see that even as a grown man I still allowed him to decide. I think what he had said about ME and her size. I should have said something but I didn't I played it off and although I walked away I did not speak against the remarks made.  

We changed the subject and made the conversation a lot lighter  talking about growing up getting butt whipping and old school growing up. Granmy told the joke of Micheal eating ex lax thinking it was a chocolate bar and pooping all over himself in church Micheal was so embarrassed​ but I hollard. Lisa was trying to laugh but you could tell she didn't think that was too funny.  Listening to his granmy talk about the good old days was wonderful her love for life and family is amazing and her love for Micheal is unconditional. We talked and really enjoyed each other's company .  We ended up cooking and eating dinner she made pot roast , Mac and cheese, turnip greens sweet potatoes and dinner rolls it was delicious and sweet tea. The evening was amazing and it was mainly because of his grandmother. Her kindness was appreciated she is so down to earth and caring. I was glad she invited me over. I expressed that I had a early day tomorrow and I need to call it a night I expressed my thanks for the invite. Said my goodbyes to all (Micheal's Grandmother) walked me to the door. "Thank you so much my dear for coming and spending time with us. You are so welcome thank you again for the invitation. I apologize if anything made you feel uncomfortable No Ma'me I had a wonderful time.   Promise me you'll come again I promise.   

Micheal Higgins please walk ME to her car it's dark outside, sure Granmy, No that's OK I can walk to my car, No you will not walk by yourself, Mikey coming Granmy. (Lisa had a irritated look on her face that he was walking me to my car.) that made no sense to me.   Micheal walked me to my car.  ME I want to apologize for last night I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm fine Micheal there's no need to apologize. Thank you for walking me  to my car have a great night, wait ME I was wondering if we could go to dinner no I don't think so. Why? I just want to keep everything professional and not cause any issues in any type of way . What way are you speaking of? I just don't want to cause any issues. ME will you go to dinner with me No!! Well where  can we go to talk? No where? I would really like us to go and do something to get to know each other better since we will be working close.   Look I'll call you tomorrow and please think of something for us to do and I don't care what day and time it is let's just do it. Good night Michael.              

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now