Chapter 10

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I arrived down town at BB's at 9 on the dot. I  had my car valet parked because town is always live on the weekend.  I went inside and I must have looked pretty good because guys was looking smiling and  flirting . I here this ahhh you flirting already remark,  it was Paul I smiled of course not .. So you always look this beautiful I blushed no and thank you. I have our table reserved allow meto lead the way,   we were right in the front of the stage it was a few tables with reserve written there too. You really look beautiful tonight really know how to make a girl blush I don't know why you should you should know how beautiful you are... Well I'm working on that. Well hopefully I can help  you realize it. What would you like to drink coke please that's right you don't drink great memory . would you like an appetizer ? not right now, will you excuse me I need to go to the ladies room sure he stood up as I got up. I could feel him looking at me as I walked away I was hoping my back was straight and I was walking like a BBW model in these shoes. On my way to the ladies room I heard hey beautiful can I buy you a drink no thank you I'm with someone .you're a pretty thick lady .. You have the prettiest smile and face.. Why with big women it's always your face is pretty but your body is a mess. Thank you ( I'm still waiting to get into the bathroom) you sure I can't persuade you to have a drink no thank you... Then I heard this voice, I think  the lady said no thank you and don't ask again. It was Paul.. My knight in shinning amour .. I had to use the man's room ( yeah right) but he stood by me in the ladies line and they were checking him out and looking as if I wasn't even standing there.. One girl said to the other that man is fine as hell is he with that  big girl. It's probably his cousin or something.. I know Paul heard it because I did , he then moved real close to me and placed his arm around  my waist they had a look of such disappointment I'm sorry ME did you mind, no that's that's fine. I finally went to the restroom when I came out Paul was waiting  so we could walk back to our table..   We begin to talk, about ourselves to each other the conversation was great and we were getting to know each other.  Paul why did you ask me out? Really ME do you have to ask... I've had you on my mind since we left the club the other night. I was so glad I caught your sister to get your card and I was praying you didn't turn me down...Really.. Really I think you are beautiful inside and out and all I knew is that I had to get know you and was hoping you may have felt the same way. Why are you blushing? Thank you for the compliaments, I don't hear them very often.. well I hope to have a chance to change that  if you allow me too.     Well I haven't been told much I must admit  the words nice, sweet hmmm those have described me plenty but beautiful that's a new one one me. Well if you allow me I'll be happy to be your tape recorder and tell you everyday. I want to get to know the woman sitting in front of me .. Sure would love to develop a friendship well thats not quit what I had in mind but you have to crawl before you walk I guess... I immediately blushed   (Lawd Thank You)      

The placed was definitely crowded I wondered how Paul was able to reserve excellent seating at the last crossed my mind but quickly left. I was glad he did.. The announcer came up let the show begin the band was introduced and they opened up  Prince Purple Rain that lead singer sung the hell out of that song it was amazing the band was awesome the singing the band people were on the dance floor. I was doing a lot of dancing in my chair. Paul asked if I would like to dance of course I said yes I felt all eyes were on us so yes I showed them what this big girl could do and I had the band members even looking and flirting I felt like a Princess in my own way. When we went back to my seat Michael and Lisa walked in our eyes immediately locked I caught myself and looked away. Omg there table was right next to ours God why was I so nervous.. Hello Ms. Ellis, Hello Mr. Higgins you remember Lisa oh yes hello and this is.... Lisa immediately hugged Paul hey you hi Lisa we meet again.  Hello Mike hey Paul Well no need for introductions looks like how's the band they just came on but so far amazing..  You look very nice Ms. Ellis thank you Lisa I love that dress thanks girl I wore it for Mikey.. (why did my blood just boil when she said that) Michael  asked what about a drink sure..They went to their table Micheal positioned himself where he could look directly at me. 

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now