Chapter 1

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Jumping from her bed  hearing Salt & Pepa's Push it... Mennettha is ready for today. It's the big night for her organization to stay a float they have to raise $150,000 or the program shuts down. Due to budget cuts smaller non-profits are not  seeing enough revenue to stay above water. So I've have been planning this fund raiser event for 6-months using most of my own money to pay for it.  I feel  good about tonight but I must admit I'm also nervous, I know a lot of kids are depending on me to keep things going, I'm a praying woman so I've been praying about this day and I have  enough faith that God's going to answer. So in preparing for this day I begin like all my days  with a prayer:(Dear God thank you for first waking me this morning and allowing me to see this day a day that I will never see again... Thank you for all that you've done and all that you will do for if you do noting else for me you've done plenty but Lord this isn't  for me I'm asking for it's for my kids and their families they deserve a place that makes a difference and allows them to taste and see their full potential Lord if it be your will give me the strength that I need to pull tonight off successfully thank you Lord In your darling son Jesus name Amen.) Going  to the bathroom to prepare  for the day,  It takes me about an hour to get dress,I don't wear  make -up at the most  maybe a little lip gloss when I'm feeling cute (lol), I have  natural hair all and all my morning routine is like me simple. 

However Djuana (aka) DJ her younger sister and best friend  is cut from a different cloth always Jazzy it takes her two hours at least to begin the get ready process, very outspoken  commands attention  and smart as a whip she's always on her game. Ah yeah and  she's also my roommate. She's an account manager at a local law firm. Although both different than day and night their differences support and compliment each other through every ordeal they've experienced from the loss of their parents, their divorces and the birth of their son's... They say they are both in the 1- club with children 1 son a piece Djuana son John is  22 just graduated from Murray state in Communications and studying abroad for a year, Mennettha's son Alcaterus is a counselor and dance choreographer he is the director of a dance school in California for under privilege kids. Both couldn't be any prouder of their off springs.  

Now Djuana is  cabbage patching  and doing the MC Hammer to the song "Poison" ( She hollers for Mennettha). Hey ME (her nick name for her since she was a child) ... Hey ME!!!!! Dj hollered  What!!!!! girl look I have someone I want you to meet he is a lawyer and a new transfer from NY to our firm and I think y'all have a lot in common.. And why would you think that? well he's divorced and your're divorced, And ... well he's very intelligent, and spiritual he has 1-daughter and she's in graduate school at Howard.. Great DJ so why don't you go out with him since he is such a great guy... well you know ME I like the kinda bad boy type now you got to be smart with business but a thug under cover... (Both laughing) see that's you dam problem the under cover thugs your butt is getting to old to keep messy with wannabe 10pm -3am thugs.(both laughing) Yeah Yeah but they are just a temporary means until I locate my King.. Hey I wish you luck  I don't have time anyway for a relationship  with my organization and my kids and families,  I work with and church  I have enough on my plate....There's no time to entertain anyone else right now. 

That's your dam problem Me!!!!! You just scared, I know loosing BB was so hard for you, and then you got what ass wipe who did noting but bring you down and  when you finally opened your heart again, what happens that fool moves out of state .. That Mutha D stop he's not the reason why I don't want to date anyone I'm good really..   I don't need any other distractions in my life I'm too old for all that drama. Like Mary J said "No More Drama " But damm sis don't you want a man that you can snuggle up too make your toes curl hell make you sound like Johnny Gill "MYMYMYMYMYMYMY" (both laughing again) Hell Naw !!!!!!!tonight I want them writing check ..Tonight's the fund raiser, YEP,  and DJ I am so nervous if we don't raise this money the center closes for the remainder of the year I couldn't bare that for my kids... Look you work your ass off dam near 7-days a week to make sure you help these kids and families you are the most dedicated and real person that I know sis and they love you to death they know that you're going to do all you can to keep that center open..   

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now