Chapter 13

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Well all week I had been thinking about this dinner and as time drew near I got more and more nervous. I kept telling myself this was a business dinner and to just clam the hell down but for some reason I couldn't. I decided to send Higgins and Higgins with the attention of Micheal Higgins an edible arrangement I wanted to do something a little different . "The card read .. We at Reach One Teach One deeply appreciate the support given to us by your organization looking forward to this  tremendous opportunity and new business partnership. Thank you Mennettha Ellis ,Troy Wade & Team ". Now that I've done that let me get my nerves settled before this dinner party Saturday night.

Delivery for Micheal Higgins of Higgins & Higgins the secretary signed and took it straight to his office. Mr Higgins you have a delivery the arrangement was huge it consisted of strawberries, pineapples, apple's, oranges, cherries and blueberries . Micheal read the card it's from ME and he smiled. He immediately called hello,  just received the arrangement it's great thank you.. My staff will definitely  thank you .You're welcome it wasn't much but I wanted you to know how much we appreciate your generosity, you're welcome. Are you ready for Saturday he said I wanted to say no but I lied and said yes I'm looking forward to it and you? I've been to so many but this one I'm excited about ..That's great. (I wanted to ask ME was she bringing someone but I didn't go there) Will your lovely grandmother be there? Yes she's asked about you since Saturday Really?Really she wants me to bring you over to see her again. That's so sweet of her I had an amazing time.( I wanted to say I think you're amazing) but instead I said me too. Well Micheal I know you have lots to do so until Saturday .. Until Saturday have a Blessed night you too.I hung up smiling like a school girl glad he loved the arrangement and even more excited that he called. (Girl calm down)

Is Micheal here ahh Ms. Lisa he's in his and before the secretary could say anything else she had walked into Micheal' s office Lisa. When were you going to call me and ask me to be your date for Saturday. I wasn't going to ask I knew my parents had invited you. A girl still loves being asked. Lisa please... Micheal when are you going to realize how much I want you. Lisa we've talked about this, she walked toward him and sat in his lap Lisa I'm at work .. Thats  never stopped us before. Lisa begin rubbing the bulge in his pant and dry grinding all over his dick while she placed soft kisses on his lips and down his neck. Lisa stop I have to finish working do you really want me to stop yes, I don't believe him wants me to, and she went to unzip his pants and pull him out .. I grab her hands Lisa stop seriously I have work to do. That caught her off guard became we are both always ready to fuck anytime any place but this time I didn't want to. I was thinking about ME and seeing her Saturday. Lisa got up what the hell is wrong with you? You sick ? No I just have to get through with these proposals... Lisa walked over to the arrangement ME sent .. Who sent this its beautiful Ms.Ellis and her team we decided to sponsor her program...Really I'm sure pretty Ms Piggy was flattered huh what did you call her? Come on she's a big girl Micheal I couldn't believe Paul was out with her it must have been a pity date. Lisa I think you need to leave I have a lot of work to do. I want to see you tonight I'll just see you Saturday. No what? I'll see you Saturday.. Whatever!! (Lisa walked out of the office pissed)

One more day until the dinner party I was nervous as hell. I called my son he reassured me I would be amazing and ask me to take plenty of picture.I'll make sure Auntie takes plenty of pictures you'll take them of everybody but yourself I had to laugh because he was right. I said my good nights to my son.And the phone buzzed hello beautiful ahh whose this.. It's Paul you don't know my voice by now? Hi Paul how are you? I'm good can't wait to see you tomorrow night yeah right. I'm serious ME I really like you.. Why? You barely know me.. Paul you can have any woman you want so what's up really? I told you I want to get to know you.. Who you are what makes you tick. Then what? What Do You mean? Then what? After you find those things out then what? I don't know we'll just play it be ear. Paul I'm not good at this I'm better as a friend ME how do you know unless you try. Can we at least try? I'm all for friends first unless you're with someone ...No I'm single .. I've been single for a long time. Why have you stayed single for so long? Raising a son after my husband died and  starting a business   I just never had time. Then time kinda got away from me and I never made time. Then I'm right on time then.. (blushing over the phone) good one we both laugh good night beautiful goodnight Paul..

I tossed and turned all night. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself and embarrass anyone .. My stomach begin to ache I got a headache omg I'm really afraid. But afraid of what? I've been to many functions so why was this one so different? Micheal was all that was on my mind... I finally made myself settled down and prayed myself to sleep...Oh my sweet Jesus Help!!! .. DJ and I had hair appointments at 230pm our medi pedis were at 11:30am then we had to be ready by 8pm omg I'm panicking.

As I Am.......By Kennie EllisWhere stories live. Discover now