The Begining

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Hello LightWolf46 here this is a new fan-fic as you probably read its called "I'm His Twin Sister" if you have any criticism about how I do my fan-fics you can message me or you dont have to read them at all your choice. Now I want to start off with the Disclaimer
Now then lets get started

3rd Person's view

"I'm his twin I have to look out for him." A little girl around 5 mumbles. "You don't have to protect Naruto, Kayla." The little girls father says and ruffles her firey red hair grinning. "Minato not the hair I just fixed it up for today." The little girls mother says brushing him away from the little girls hair and she fixes it up again. "I can't help it Naruto wants to be Hokage and Kayla wants to be an ANBU they make me proud." The girls father says grinning proudly. "Well today they start the academy so go get Naruto Minato and meet us outside." The girls mother says shoo'ing him out of the little girls room. "Mom will I become a strong enough Kunoichi to protect my brother?" The little girl asks. "One day you will but if you dont hurry and grab your bag we won't be able to beat the boys out the door." The girls mother says jokingly. "Then come on." The little girl says and grabs her mothers hand in her right hand and her bag in the left and they run out the door and the two wait out side for the boys.

A few minutes pass and 2 streaks of blonde hair run out the door and stop in front of us. "How do you girls always beat us?" The little golden blonde boy asks out of breath.

"Because you never wake up early enough to beat us." The Mother scolds both of the blondes while they started walking to the academy for the kids first day.

"Its not my fault, I dont have an alarm and no one wakes me up." Both the blondes say scratching their heads nervously while the Mother keeps scolding them.

"I am your alarm." Both the firey red heads say with a smirk.

A few minutes later they get to the academy. 

"Well I hope we aren't late." The father says nervously and we walk in and up to a classroom and we walk in. "Hey Iruka are my children late?" The father asks scratching the back of his head with a nervous stare.

"No they aren't but you should really start getting on time for stuff Lord Hokage." A guy says with a smile at the front of the class. "Now come on in Naruto, Kayla." He says motioning to us.

The little girl looks nervously at her mother who smiles warmly at her and she walks in behind her brother.

"Alright everybody find a place to sit so we can start." The guy at the front of the class says to the children.

"Good Luck." The Mother and Father of the two children say and they leave. "Maybe we should home school Kayla she gets nervous in new surroundings and being surrounded by other people." The mother of the girl mumbles. "She will be fine, she has her older brother Naruto if she gets to nervous." The father says smiling then he frowns. "But he goes off on his own sometimes and Kayla can't always find him." The father says frowning a little.

"Like I'm saying we should homeschool Kayla she doesn't have a lot of confidence and she doesn't talk around people she doesn't know very well." The mother says

"I don't know. Why don't we ask her after her first day ends." The father says and they walk into the Hokage building.

The rest of the day passes slowly but quickly.

His Twin Sister (Naruto Fan-Fic) (Kiba love story)Where stories live. Discover now