almighty || fifteen

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All he said was not to pack anything and that I only had to wear whatever I wanted and that's it.

I still don't know how we're going to get there without a plane or a ship and so I wore the most comfortable thing I could find.

Sweatpants, sandals, and a loose blue shirt. He arrives sooner than later to which I quickly answer the door.

He took my hand without and word and pressed the inside lock before closing my loft's door.

"How are we going to Iceland?" I asked as I tried my best to catch up with Arthur's fast-walk.

"The Ocean."

"The what?!"

"The Ocean." he repeats, I'm not afraid of the ocean nor am I afraid of water in general. I'm afraid of freezing it and harming Sea-life.

"I-I C-can't!" I stutter, stopping in my tracks before he stops as well. "You won't freeze the ocean, trust me. I have a friend to help you." He assures, making my now fast beating heart calm down.


We finally reach the beach after an hour of walking, our combined enhanced speed made the walking trip faster than expected.

The beach didn't have any people in it, it was a windy day afterall. We don't want flying umbrellas and beach towels now do we?

He proceeds to remove his shirt making me do nothing but stare. His tattoos looked beyond amazing, they perfectly wrapped his upper body.

The cliche phrase that I never expected to come out of his mouth, came out. "Like what you see?" It made me roll my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself Curry, You're not the hottest." Obviously I was lying.

He rolls his eyes this time before stretching out his hand for me to take and I did.

We stood by the shore, watching the waves slowly creep up into the sand and getting into my sweatpants and sandals before they slowly go back into the sea.

A figure comes swimming underwater, The water wasn't the clearest so I couldn't make out who it would be.

A red haired woman surfaced the water, she wore a similar armour to Arthur's only feminine.

"She's beautiful, Arthur." She comments, I whisper a thank you in reply.

She moves aside making way for Arthur and I walk to the water until it was waist high, for him atleast.

"Hold your breath"
"Wait w—"

I wasn't given enough time to finish when I was submerged into the water in his arms.

My hands start to become ice cold until a huge bubble covered my face. A loud gasp escaped my lips and I now realize that I'm being carried away into the deep sea.

Everything looked beautiful down here, especially Ar— Nevermind.


A/N: HELLOOOOO 💖💖💖‼️‼️‼️ WE HAVE NO CLASSES TOMORROW so expect 2 chapters or more ☺️

you know what to do down in the comments friends!!

💞, PigeonSeb

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