almighty || three

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I booked a flight right away when I got home, I booked an early flight so that I could come back home in the afternoon. There's no sun out yet as the clock has just struck 2 am.

I yawned as I stretched my arms, getting up from my bed. I stared at the wooden floor for a moment before getting interrupted by my alarm.

I lazily stretched my arm to take my phone from the bedside table, I opened my phone preventing the alarm to continue any further.

I then stand up from my bed, now facing my closet. I pulled out a faux fur rimmed coat, leggings, and a white shirt.

I quickly changed into my clothes and pulled up my knee high boots. I take my phone and keys as well as the only bag i'm bringing which is a purse since I'm coming home right after.


I didn't bother asking where I'd find Arthur, I just knew that he's probably by the ocean. He's called Aquaman after all.

I found a house where the village council should be, I gave the door a few light knocks before being opened by a woman in her early 40's motioning me to come in.

"I'm Anastasia Watts" I introduced, "I would like to speak to Arthur Curry. I believe he's still around, after all It's the day after the King Tide."

A man with a similar coat to mine turned around, boy was he beautiful. he had a scar on his eyebrow and his eyes we're silver, almost white. I could stare at them all— nevermind.

"Talk." he spoke, his voice was deeper than I expected.

"Look, there's a threat that's coming to the world. Hell, it might have even come already who knows? There's this thing called the Justice League, it's made out of people— total strangers— warriors with superhuman abilities. I need to see him right now."

"you're talking to him right now" he whispered, I blinked and raised an eyebrow.

"So you're Arthur Curry." I point and he nods.

"We need someone like you. No, We need you."

"I don't want to take part, I'm not risking my life for a group of strangers."

"Do you want Newfoundland to crumble down into rubble? Do you want Atlantis to completely be washed away?" I instantly regret my words as I find myself pushed against the wall by his arms.

My instincts kicked in as I immediately grew pale as my hair color changed into platinum, I was too cold. Too cold to touch, Too cold to keep your grip on my skin.

He quickly removed his hands from me, sending me down to the ground as my boots made a loud thud.

He shook his head and said, "Come outside."

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter 💖💖

lmao this is so bad😂😭 also, I can't guarantee a 100% accuracy in this fic. I'll be editing the entire fic once I get to download the Justice League movie itself.

here's something you shoud know when reading this book: He is not with Mera (in this book)

almighty || aquaman Where stories live. Discover now