almighty || six

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After a few hours of planning and talking, (and me trying to persuade them to let me go home) They finally let me.

The streets we're busy even though it was sundown, the occasional car horns making me jump. People we're running around, some carried bags, some we're probably rushing to reach the train.

feed on fear — the phrase replayed in my head as I walked, I made sure to keep my eyes where I was going to keep me from falling or hitting anyone in the way.


the loud scream broke my thoughts and so did the people who ran and pushed past me, My skin starts to feel cold under my thick coat, I look at my hands and they we're pale.

"Run for your life!" A middle aged man shouted at me, People might think I'm crazy for running towards danger and not from it.

I took off the hood from my head, letting the now Platinum Blonde hair fall freely. I toss my coat aside as well as my bag.

Before I ran, I froze my belongings into an ice block making sure no one would steal them. Although this part of the city is in chaos, we need to make sure nothing gets lost or broken as people run for their lives.

Me being a Metahuman did have it's perks, My superhuman speed helped me dash around various corners until I reached the heart of the mess. A parademon.

I didn't have my armour on, which is definitely a con in my part, A woman in a white shirt, leggings, and knee high boots fighting off a supernatural being? now that's something else for the news to see tonight.

The parademon threw the human aside, She hits the brick wall and falls hard on the concrete. It's glowing eyes darted my way, It starts to rise above the ground as it's robotic wings flapped.

I look around to find a nice sturdy item to hang onto whilst fighting off the Parademon. Something metal makes contact with my skin, A chain. Perfect.

The metal quickly freezes, ice shavings scattered around the rusty metal. I jump onto it, locking the lower part between my feet and the upper part with my dominant hand, which was the right.

Blue icy streaks blasted from my left free hand but the Parademon doged each one. It managed to untie the chain from where it was tied into.

My body hits the ground making me I groan in pain. I execute the best back roll I could and stand back up. The streak from my left connected with the one on my right.

I was so ready to freeze it into place and shatter it into pieces when it dissapeared into the wall leaving weird residue all over.

My pale skin disappeared and so did the Platinum hair. I looked more human now.

The stranger stood up from her place and repeated her thank you's as she held my now warm hand.


A/N: I hope you don't mind this filler chapter but some parts here would later be significant in the future chapters.

AS ALWAYS COMMENT your feedback and all the things I should improve on so I can improve on the next chapter(S) and on the editing stage!

Thank you so much for reading my book and I can't wait to publish more DCEU (and MCU) fics in the future!

💖, PigeonSeb

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