Happily Ever After

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It was night finally, and I had changed from my wedding dress to a yellow colour dress. The dress was tightly fitted till my waist and then it flowed from there. It came up till half my thigh length.

We sat on the chairs in the garden, listening to everyones speeches until it was finally our chance. Logan went on stage first.

One hand of his was in his pocket, and the other hand was tightly gripped around a glass of champagne.He started of,"For years I've waited for a special someone to come into my life and to help me bring out my true self. With June, I guess I can finally be that person. So, I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time will ever be enough with you. So let's start with forever." I blushed and smiled.

I got up and went up on stage. I stood in front of the mic. "Everyday, since the time I was, I guess, eighteen, I fell in love with the idea of love. I thought that to be able to devote your entire life to someone was amazing. I dreamt that one day I would meet that soulmate and my life would be more happier. With Logan, I can finally start my own story. So I'd like to propose a toast to you, Logan, and I hope that our years together will be beautiful, just like our relationship." I finished.

Everyone clapped at our speeches, and we all dispersed to cut the cake. The cake was a five tiered one. It was covered in white icing and was decorated with colourful edible flowers. The flowers spiralled around the cake in a clockwise direction.

Me and Logan both picked the knife together and cut a chunk of the cake. He took some of it and stuffed it in my mouth as I did the same to him. The cake tasted amazing. Pineapple! My favourite! I thought to myself. Stacy knew me really well. I licked my fingers.

After the cake cut, I was socialising with some guests. Most of the people were starting to leave.

After everyone had left, I went to Logan and said, "Come take a walk with me." He nodded his head and we locked hands and started walking on the beach.

I stopped in the exact same position as three years before. "Today has been just perfect," I said smiling. We were standing facing each other still holding hands. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore filled my ears. "June," said Logan. "I love you," he finished. "I love you too," I said, and he smashed his soft lips on mine and we kissed. This time, I refused to pull back. After all, I had finally met my Romeo, and we would live happily ever after. And then we continued blissfully into our small but perfect piece of forever



Heyy guys....Now I'm getting all emotional. :'( I really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you'll enjoyed reading it. Also still continue commenting and voting. Read this book named Love vs Life by Alekha_b If you like 1d. Follow me as I will be writing more stories :).....Love ya!

I've written a story called Love with Lyrics! Please read it.

-rajvi2345 xoxoxoxoxo

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