I Knew You'd Be There For Me

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The next morning Logan and I met up with Ryan and Stacy. We decided to talk over lunch at Kings. I purposely put my left hand on the table so that my ring could be visible, and of course my plan worked. "O.M.G!" yelled Stacy. She turned her attention towards Logan and said, "you proposed!" We exchanged glances and I shrugged.

"Yeah," he said. Ryan and Stacy started laughing. "So, as payback, you'll are gonna have to plan our entire wedding," I said hotly. "Okay," Said Stacy while sassing me. She exchanged glances with Ryan, and I could tell that they were scared. After that, Logan left because of some important work, and Then it was just us three.

"Guys, thanks. I knew that you would be there for me." So I just told them what the wedding should be like. "...and, I need the venue to be specific. Stace, you know the place where you had your reception? I want it to be there. Both, the wedding and reception." I finished. "Okay," they both said at the same time.

After that, we were all set for the wedding.

In order to save time, and have the wedding as early as possible, Stacy and I planned to go to the dress shop. We left Kings. Ryan went back home and then it was just me and Stacy.

We arrived at the shop, and started to pick dresses. In the end, I picked a beautiful dress. The dress was made out of satin. From the front it was a regular full sleeved dress, but from the back it was backless. It was long and tight-fitted till my torso. At the end of the sleeve, the dress was laced. There was a veil that went with it. It was laced and as long as my dress.

We paid for the dress and I hopped into my car. I drove home and left the dress on my bed.


Hey guys, I hope this chapter was nice. I dont know what to say, but please vote and comment.


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