You Look Beautiful

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"June Havens," said Daniel while walking into my cubicle. "Congratulations," He said while throwing a copy of our newspaper, 'The Bridal Today' on my desk. I picked up the newspaper in my hands and saw my article occupying half of the front page. "Ah!" I let out a squeal of happiness. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I said while jumping around my cubicle. My boss just simply shook his head and walked out of the door. I shut the door behind him and jumped onto the sofa.
I started smiling to myself when my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked in an excited and dreamy voice. The person on the other line said, "June?" "Yeah," I confirmed. It was a manly voice. He sounded puzzled because I was still talking in a dreamy tone. "June! Logan's waiting for you at Times Square. Be there in 15." It was Ryan. "Okay," I said still talking dreamily. I cut the phone and left for Times Square.

I arrived there in flat 15 minutes and saw logan waiting for me. He sat on the bench wearing a black V-neck t-shirt with denim jeans and black shoes. I had to admit, he looked dashing. I reached up to him and sat on the bench next to him. "Hey," I said. " Hey," he replied. "So did you think of a nice place?" I asked Logan politely. "Yeah. I was thinking of a nice garden themed wedding. Stacy's back yard would be perfect. There's an entire canopy of trees there and the garden in huge." Suggested Logan. "Wow! I could never have thought of that. That's really an amazing idea Logan," I said while complimenting him. He flashed his perfect smile at me." I'll ask Stacy if that's okay with her," I said while taking out my phone to call her when she called me. "Hello? I was just gonna call you hey," I started off. "June this is kind of important. The girl from the shop Platinum said the alterations for the wedding dress are done. She wants me to go try it on, but I can't because I'am a little caught up at work. So could you go for me, I know we're the same size so please?" She pleaded me. "Sure, okay I'll go," I said while accepting her request.

I told Logan about Stacy's phone call and started to walk towards Platinum with him. "So, how did you and Stace meet?" Questioned Logan. "We were sitting side by side on the Park bench and I helped her with a problem and then poof! we're bffs." I explained. Logan nodded his head. His hands were in His pocket and he was staring straight down.

We reached the shop after a 15 minute walk. The attendant immediately recognised me and greeted me. She didn't see Stacy and so I explained to her why Stacy couldn't come. She asked if I was certain that I would fit into Stacy's dress, and I confirmed by saying that we lived in each other's clothes when we were 16. She smiled and escorted me to the changing room.

The dress was hard to put on because I had to be extra careful. Logan waited near the entrance, seated on the couch, but not using the back rest.

I walked out of the changing room, slowly and gracefully. I stood on the platform in front of the mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes! "I'll get the veil Miss Stacy had decided to wear." Said the attendant. She left leaving Logan and Me alone in the room. Logan stood up and walked towards me. I turned in his direction as he stood in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My heart stopped. He leaned closer and whispered into my ear, "You look beautiful," and he let go.


Heyy guys :) The addition of this chapter is important for this story. I hope you like it! Please comment, Vote and Read on!

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