Fed up!!

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Another week had passed since my encounter with Logan. I still loved him. I don't know why!!

I kept the charm bracelet he gave to me always and never let go. I didn't even care if Nicholas saw it. Apparently, he actually did see it. He came over the next day, and we were just hanging. I was sitting in my room when he came. I stood up to embrace him into a hug. "Hey babe," he said. He started to kiss my neck again, forcefully. I didn't want our relationship to go to that extent because I wasn't yet sure if he was the right one for me. So I spun around, and before I could move he held my hips and kissed me strongly. It hurt my lips, and no matter how much I tried to let go, he didn't let me. He started to put his hand up my t-shirt, but I used all my strength and backed away.

He caught hold of my hand and saw the bracelet. I tried to achieve freedom, but his grip was too tight, He opened the locket and saw the picture of Logan and me from Stacy's wedding." This is Logan right! Why do you still have this idiot's picture in your locket!" said Nicholas hotly. On that last remark I blew my top! "Logan is not an idiot! as far as I'm concerned he's way better than you! Your an unworthy jerk Nicholas! We're done!" I yelled. I dragged him by the hand, and threw him out of the house. "I don't wanna see you ever again!" I yelled and slammed the door on his face.

I leaned against the door, and sighed. I laughed to myself and congratulated myself for doing what I longed to do for days!

Sorry for the short chapter guys!! I hope it was. Interesting and I can assure you that the next one will be even more so.


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