Back From Rio

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A month had passed since the wedding, and it was time for Stacy to come back. I went to the airport with Logan.

As soon as I saw her at the arrivals, I ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Hi!" She said. I greeted her back and went to get her luggage back in the car.

We drove to Kings after that because Ryan and Stacy were feeling hungry.

Ryan sat next to Stacy and Logan sat next to me. It was quiet, so Stacy started off. "So? How and when?" She said pointing towards us both. Logan and I exchanged glances and I could tell that he didn't want Stacy to know about the break up. So I lied. "We got together on the night of your wedding after you went and we've been dating ever since." I leaned back against the couch. Stacy and Ryan were sharing a plate of fries.
Once they were done, we got up and left.

Stacy was looking incredibly tanned but Ryan looked same old. We dropped them home and went. Logan and me were hanging at my place. We sat on the couch discussing irrelevant topics and I told him what a creep Nicholas was. The next day was my birthday so I told Logan that. I was turning 20.

" I'll be the same age as you at least for a month" I said nudging his shoulder. "Touché," he said, and we both laughed. I went closer to him and put my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his warm arm around me. "I wish it could be like this forever." I said. "It will be," He confirmed and kissed my head.


Heyy guys, I know this chapter was a little boring, but I couldn't forget Stacy, so....
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