Complaints and confessions

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A couple of weeks had passed since my break up with Logan. The office was shut because of some property rent issues. My colleague, Nicholas, had asked me out on a date. Even though I still hadn't gotten over Logan I said yes. Mainly because I wanted to forget Logan, but also because Nicholas, as far as I knew him, was a nice guy.

He had Sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He had a sly smile and his built was lean and muscular. But whenever I kissed Nicholas, it felt, wrong. I felt incomplete. Nicholas's kisses were hard and forceful like he was desperate, whereas Logan's were full of love and were sweet.

As soon as the office reopened, I quickly rushed into Daniel's office. "How could you! Why did you publish that article" I yelled. "calm down now pl-" said Daniel, but I cut him off, "No! I will not calm down! "how could you post that article without my permission! Actually, why would you tell me. Then you would just lie!" I stormed out of his office wiping the tears that were trickling down my cheek.

I went online on my computer and googled , 'Daniel, owner of The Bridal Today.' I was planning to go online and post something bad about him. I did, and quickly left the building so that I wouldn't get fired that day.

I entered and alley and hid near the wall. I peeped outside to see if any of the security guards were following me. I turned back and saw Logan. He cornered me to the wall and pecked my lips. I missed this kiss but still I was surprised and said, "Logan! you just kissed me!" I was happy about it, but I couldn't cheat on Nicholas, No matter how much ever I wanted Logan back. "Logan I-," I started to say but he cut me off. "I don't have the power to stay away any longer," he said "Logan I-I h-have a boyfriend. "What?!" He asked in a hushed tone. He let his hands drop and he took a step back in shock. "Nicholas. He's a colleague." I explained. "But maybe we can still be friends." "Yeah," he said in a disheartened tone. "Logan, have you been following me?!" I asked, "I had to make sure you were okay," he explained."See you later," I said and quickly moved away. I looked back and smiled.

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks but I wiped them away.


Heyy guys... I have nothing to say...but do you think that Logan and June should get back??? Or has June actually forgotten about Logan!!! Comment and vote please


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