A Stroll On The Beach

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It was night now. Stacy had changed from her wedding dress into her reception clothes. She now wore a knee length black coloured dress. With black stilettos. She still looked amazing. We all gathered in the garden near a beach somewhere close to her house and listened to the speeches everyone has prepared for Ryan and Stacy.

It was my turn so I started, "Just by helping her with a small problem at a park, right up to her big day, me and Stacy have been bffs. Now that you will be going your own way, Stacy, I probably won't see for a long time. I just want to tell you that always have hope. Hope is the one thing that always helps people in a marriage. I know this because, well, my career revolves around this belief." To that line everyone and I shared a laugh. " So I just want to congratulate you and wish you the best for the rest of your life." I finished. Everyone clapped for me and then it was Logan's turn to go.
He stood on stage with one hand in his pocket, and the other hand tightly gripped around a glass of champagne. "Ryan. I just wanna thank you for being there for me. Its been a hectic couple of weeks, but I did whatever it took to organise my best buddies marriage. But I want to specifically thank you for one thing. In the course of these 2 weeks, I became friends with a wonderful person" His attention turned to me and I flushed, "June," He continued. Everyones eyes turned to look at me. My cheeks turned red. "Well I guess this is it. Congratulations." He finished.

After this, I was the happiest person ever! At least he was happy being my friend!

I went to see Stacy because she was leaving for her honeymoon after this. "So, did he tell you where he's taking you?" I asked . "No. He says it's a secret." Replied Stacy. "No worries. I'am sure wherever your going is gonna be great. Have fun!" She nodded her head and I saw tears forming in her eyes. I hugged her and comforted her, "Hey...don't cry! It's gonna be fine. we'll meet up every week okay?" She nodded again and said, "I'll miss you June," "I'll miss you too," I replied politely.

Stacy went and hugged her parents. After that we went to the main entrance where a yellow Porsche was parked. Rayan and Stacy got in and slowly began to drive on the road. We all stood on the side and waved to them. They had left .

I was still standing there when Logan came and stood next to me. I had changed from my dress into a spaghetti top and a mini-skirt. I wore my over coat on because it was quite chilly outside. I took this opportunity to finally tell Logan how I felt. So I started off," Pretty amazing speech you gave there huh," "Glad you liked it." Replied Logan. My hands were tucked into my overcoat pockets. I removed them from there and locked hands with Logan. "Come take a walk with me, " I said dragging him along.

We walked on the beach still holding hands. I had removed my shoes and overcoat on the side. We strolled along, until I decided to stop at a certain spot. "I love this," I said. "You love what?" Logan asked. "The sound of the waves hitting against the shore, Strolling under the moonlight and most importantly," I turned towards him, "You." He held my waist and put his hand on my face and did not hesitate before smashing his pink lips onto mine. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. We moved our lips in sync. After what seemed like two minutes, His lips got tired and so taking that opportunity I slid my tongue in his mouth, and now our tongues were battling. I wanted this moment to last forever but it didn't Because I finally gave in and pulled away. "I love you," I said, and he echoed my words.

He offered to drop me home and i agreed....obviously. "Bye," I said pecking his lips and stepping out of his car. He smiled and waved at me. Today was just perfect, I yelled in my mind.


Heyy guys!! June and Logan are a pair now. Will they be able to handle the ups and downs of LOVE?? Read on to find out....
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