Ch.31 Everything Has Changed

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I woke up in smiling, I mean who wouldn't if they had had the night I did. Nothing happened besides the kiss, but it was the sweetest nicest kiss in my life. We both decided it was late and we both needed some time to process our decision. I sleepily wandered out my room and into the bathroom. I freshened up quickly and stumbled to get to the kitchen. "Good morning~" I said sweetly as I saw Ilima already cooking. He turned around and smiled. "Good morning sleepyhead." He laughed as I made my way over to see what he was making. "{Insert fav breakfast food here}  you still remember my favorite!" I smiled as he returned to working on the food. "Did you sleep well?" He asked as I went to sit on the nearest couch. "Not really, I was way too excited." I quickly put a blanket over my lap and got comfortable. "Do you have anything you need to do today?" He asked coming over with a cup of coffee/tea/orange juice.  "Yeah, actually there is, and I think I might need your help." He looked over at me with a confused glance. "What is it?" "Brace yourself," I said dramatically, "I'm applying for college!" "College? You never went to college?" "I didn't really see the need once I got into the label with Shauna, but now I look back on my life and I have so many regrets." I sighed and looked down at my cup. "Well then, once you finish eating we'll have to get on that." He returned to the kitchen and continued cooking. I'd expected at least a little: 'But Eli will be disappointed' or 'You have such a strong career why would you throw it away like that?' but he simply returned to his business like nothing had happened. "Maybe after that we can go on a real date." He said walking back with a plate. I was taken aback as I took my plate. "I guess that is a normal thing to do isn't it?" I laughed nervously and looked down at my hands again. "It is indeed." 

              We both got dressed quickly after we had finished eating and headed out the door. Currently we were leisurely making our way downtown (Walking fast, faces pass) towards the college. It wasn't a large campus, it was simply constructed of a row of apartment looking buildings opposite Café Soeil. I could tell we were getting occasional glances from people who most likely knew who Ilima was. "This is a very different place than I thought you'd end up." Ilima said as we stood looking up at the building. "What did you expect? Did you think I'd be in prison?" I joked. "Maybe just a little." We both laughed and looked at the slightly daunting hight of the building. "Hey I forgot to ask, what are you even going to college for?" He turned towards me with a questioning glance. "I'm gonna be a teacher." I replied confidently. "Any special reason?" "Nope, it just something I've always wanted to do." He nodded and we looked at the building again. "Well I suppose I should go in there and get this over with." I began walking towards the building without even waiting for a reply.  The doors were like wooden church doors, they were regal yet inviting. "How may I help you?" The woman at the desk asked as we approached. "I'm here to apply for college." She looked dumbfounded for a moment but quickly regained her composure. "For what Major?" "Early childhood education." She held up a finger and turned around to begin grabbing papers. She turned back around and handed me a large pile of paperwork.

                     It took me about two and a half hours to finish it all, but luckily I had Ilima encouraging me till the end. "Here you go!" I eagerly handed her the last of the paperwork with a satisfied grin. "Thank you, if you'll wait just a moment while I check some of your sources I'll get you set up." I nodded thankfully and walked back to where Ilima was. "Good work." He proudly grabbed my hand. "I'm tired..." I whined plopping down. "There there, take a rest you deserve it." He patted his head and I quickly leaned onto his shoulder.


Forgive me, I know that isn't how applying for college works, but I think it went ok :D  Author~Nim has one other thing to talk about before she goes, this book only has about 1-3 more chapters left, I promise I will do all I can to make them good, and hopefully longer than usually. There will be at least a month before the sequel comes out which I will spend writing on K_pop_queens writing my book there, and also working on personal projects such as a few original books that will be published on this account. If you want be in the know about the sequel's publish time once this book ends, or just generally enjoy my writing and want to see more of it, I recommend following my account. (Sorry had to shamelessly promote a bit ;P) ANYWHOOO, BYE BYE


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