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As me and Illima walked around Melemele island I played with the little flowers crown he had made for me, I tried to remember the last time we'd walked around like this, no stress, no jobs, just us and our Pokémon. He was taking his first day off and I had promised we would go swimming down by Kukui's lab. When we got closer he grabbed my hand and ran down the hill. When we got to he water he jumped in immediately and I followed right after. "I never got to do this in Kalos!" I said laughing and splashing him in the face. "Kalos sounds very boring!" He laughed and splashed me back. After that he swam back to shore and walked over to the small rock mound we always used as a diving board. "One major thing that has changed in a good way, I'm not afraid to jump off this anymore!" He smiled as he cannonballed into the water. I swam over to him laughing. "Your hair looks so silly wet!" I said messing with his hair jokingly. "Yours looks just as bad!" He said holding up the messy ponytail I'd put in my hair. "Yeah but you always have your hair all fancy-like, so it looks weirder on you." "Meh whatever, that's just how mom's always had my hair I just grew use to it." "I think it'd look cute if you cut it." I said looking at his hair. "Oh by the way, we need to go shopping later, and get me a haircut." "Wait seriously, you're actually gonna change your style?!" "Why do you sound so surprised?" "In the twenty-three years I've known you you've had the same haircut, same style, pretty much the same personality, and you live in the same house in the same room with the same setup-" "Ok I get your point, I'm basically the same person, but at less I'm taller than you!" He smirked swimming over and holding his hand above my head. For some reason I I was somehow bothered by how close he was to me. I backed away slowly trying not to make him feel bad, but he knew me too well. "Is something wrong?" He said looking at me. "No, I'm fine!" I didn't know why I felt like I had to lie to him, but for some reason I did. "Anyway what do you want to do now, we could swim some more, we could sail around or-" "Let's swim for now, but don't forget we need to go shopping later!" I said suddenly feeling natural again. He grabbed my hand and started swimming toward shore. "You still need to jump off the diving board!" "Ok, ok, I'm going!"
This actually didn't take as long as I anticipated, but hey, I like this a whole lot more than the other one I wrote , for anyone who sees this before the next part, disregard it, Byeeeeeeee❤️
I would also like to thank everyone for the great advice I love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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