Ch.14 New Style

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Your P.O.V.

        First we went to get new clothes. We passed several shops he wanted to go into, but they were all the same formal clothes he already wears. "What is so wrong with the clothes in those shops?!" He said whining. "We are trying to change your look remember, now come on this shop looks promising!" I said excited. I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the shop. "Hello!" the perky saleswoman said. We waved and quickly got on to our main objective of being there. "How about this!" I excitedly held something up and he wrinkled his nose at it. "No!" "Fine, fine, why don't you look around and tell me if you see something you like!" "Sounds good." I sighed as he walked off to go look around.

                After I had walked around a little and had  had some of my ideas rejected by Ilima I was getting slightly discouraged, but I am not the type to give up that easily. I walked around until all of the sudden he came around the corner with an excited look on his face. "I found something!" He said happily. "Lead me to the clothes!" I said raising my hand in the superman way. We walked around the corner and I saw a  plaid jacket, blue jeans, white shirt, and a long necklace. "This is what you want to wear?" I said slanting my head to the right. "Aren't you proud of me?!" he said excitedly. "Of course, it's just not exactly what I thought you'd pick I guess, but it looks pretty cool." I looked and gave him a reassuring smile. "Then, can we pay for this and go get food, then we can do my hair!" "Now this is the Ilima I remember, let's go!" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

                 We walked awhile till we found Mallow's restaurant. "Hey guys, what're you doing here!" "We're out shopping today!" I replied happily. "Shopping, Ilima?" "Don't sound so shocked, I can be a fun person too!" "Not in the last few years!" She said bluntly. "Well, this is awkward...." I said. Me and Ilima just stared at our food and Mallow slowly backed away. 

           After a while if silent eating a finally decided to break the ice. "Hey, you were stressed, I know the fun person still lives on inside if you!" I said encouragingly. "I guess so, maybe I just need to start acting like the old me again." He said turning to me with a smile. "Well, maybe not just the old you, he was way too immature!" I said giggling. "Whatever, can we please go get my hair cut so we can get on to the next island?" "Alright, alright, I'm going!" J said quickly getting out of my spot and following him out the door. "Have you even thought about what you want your hair to look like?" I asked as we walked on the oddly quiet streets. "Something simple that won't take much upkeep." "Cool, can we go one more place on the island first though?" "Where?" "Ruins of life." "Why?" "Remember that time you and I were young before we did the trials, and we went on a school camping trip there, and there was an uneven ratio of guys to girls and the teacher announced either someone would sleep on the ground or a girl and a boy would have to sleep together, and fearlessly and shamelessly, I volunteered you and me to sleep in the same sleeping bag?" "But why do you wanna go back NOW specifically?" "Just come with me please?" I begged grabbing his arm. "Fine, please explain this more later though..." I smiled, grabbed his hand and started walking in the direction of the Ruins.

                 When we got there we sat down next to each other. "So now can you explain the reason we're here?" "You'll never guess what happened here like a million years ago!" "What happened?!" He sounded concerned and I slightly giggled at that. "My first kiss." I said looking around casually. "YOUR FIRST KISS, WITH WHO!" He said in shock. "Geez calm down, you know how some people talk or walk in their sleep?" I said looking at him. "Well you kiss in you're sleep, I guess I felt like you should know that..." "HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN!" "You had one of those night terrors you used to have and I had my hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming and you grabbed my hand really quickly and I lost my balance and we had an anime moment." I finished looking around at the familiar scenery. "And you never thought to tell me?!" "We were 9! I didn't think it counted!" "I guess that's true." "Anyway, if you want, we can go get your haircut now!" I smiled at how distracted he looked gazing around the area. "Yeah I guess we should get going, but we should come here more often." "Sure!"

                              We walked back to town pretty silently, it didn't take long but the bigger struggle was actually getting him to go into the shop. "I can't do this!" He whined as I practically dragged him toward the hair shop. "You can and you will!" We walked into the shop and were greeted by Alamea  one of our old friends. "Alola guys! What bring you here?" She said looking surprised at seeing us together. "Ilima here is getting his hair cut!" At that she gasped and had this look of absolute shock in her eyes. "O-Ok, what exactly were you thinking?" She said regaining her composure. "Something very simple." I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and I looked and saw it was my mom calling. "I gotta take this." I said stepping out of the room.


Y/N~Hey mom, what's up?

M~Just checking in, we haven't talked in awhile

Y/N~I'm good, I'm in front of a hair salon waiting for my friend.




Y/N~He's doing well. Hey mom I need to go it's starting to rain, and I don't trust the weather here.

M~Oh alright, call me later



Small storytime: I've only had one 'kiss' in my life, and it was dare when me and my gal friend were having , and she dared me to kiss her, considering I'm straight and we were both religious it wasn't romantic, but if now if people ask what my technical  first kiss was, it was with a girl, so for going to privates school, that will be fun to explain

                 -SINCERELY ME

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