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      The house I lived in when I was in Kalos was straight in downtown Lumiose City, and people in this part of town are a little judgemental. As soon as we landed I knew we would get weird look. You see everyone knew me and my family as she was pretty famous Rhyhorn racer. The first time a brought a friend over from school the rumor went around for at least two months that I was a lesbian. Anyway as soon as we landed there were 'oohs' from at least 5 houses and I rolled my eyes as we went into the apartment building where my mom lived. 

                                   We walked up the stairs until we finally reached the 'penthouse' level where my parents lived. "Whoa," Ilima said when we walked in the wide oak door, "I mean I figured with you mom's job it might be big, but this, this is way bigger than what I had imagined." "Rhyhorn racing is a very important job here, but anyway there's something we have to take care of after we visit my mom tomorrow." "What?" "You'll have to find out when we get there, don't worry someone will pick us up from the hospital to take us there." "That just makes me more curious." he said trying to grab my phone which I'd been typing on while we were talking. "I really can't tell you, I want you to not hate me for little while longer." "What could you possibly have done that would make me hate you?" "It's not that it's bad, it's that I didn't tell you." I walked into my room locked my door and continued texting my maanager.

                                              (9 years ago)

       "Mom are you sure it's ok I do this?" "Y/N you're not doing anything wrong you and Shana are just singing for an audition." "I mean are you sure it's ok I don't tell people who I am, what about Ilima?" "You haven't told him yet?" "He hasn't answered my letters in months, I want to wait till I know he will see it." 

                                            (2 months after that)

       Me and Shana have been working in the studio for a while, and it's stressful. After our label announced they'd be producing a new band, and we had our first photo shoot, we became popular fairly popular. No one besides those in the company new who I was, and I think that was one reason we became popular so quickly. 

                                              (7 Years Ago)

    Things in our lives were getting even crazier now, it'd been a while since our first album came out and people were more curious than ever about my secret identity. I felt bad about one person though, Ilima, since he didn't start sending letters again till after we'd been signed I'd had time to ask the people at the studio if it was ok to tell him, they'd all agreed on no.  

(Present Day)

          I sat down on my bed and thought about everything that'd happened since I'd moved back to Alola. Then I thought back to the agreement I'd made with my manager. I was told I could be gone for the remainder of my mom's pregnancy. I was hoping by that time I'd figure out what I wanted to do and be doing it and I'd figure out a way to slip under their radars. Unfortunately that hadn't been an option, the day I was going to approach Shana about the idea I chickened out when I saw how excited she was about being a star. So I know people are probably scratching there heads about what I said to Ilima about moving in together once I got a job. That is hard to explain, but I guess the only reasoning the only reason I can give is that I wanted  live in the moment and try to forget my Kanto life. After the long day I laid down just intending to look at my phone and ended up falling asleep fairly quickly.


     yo yo yo, I have a serious problem with K-Pop and K-Dramas, and I'm gonna say one thing, TIME ZONES ARE A THING, so this might be coming out early Sunday for some of you. Anywhooooo, I also wrote this later because I went to a funeral last night, and it really makes you question life when at the young age I am someone younger than you dies. T_T

                                                    -SINCERELY ME

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