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Ilima's P.O.V.
                    I sat in my room my mom and dad tried to get in but I didn't let them. I looked around and tried to calm down. My phone went off and saw it was Kukui calling.
K-What happened cousin?
I-It-it's nothing
K-Y/N is up in her room aggressively brushing her hair, what happened?
K-Just remember you have a responsibility as a trial captain to come to the festival tonight.
I-I'll be there.
K-Get dressed and come down to my lab, you need to see her.
I-I can't, she'll never understand.
I-I'll see you at the festival.
(End Call)
I hung up and put my suit on. I don't know how I'm gonna handle this, but I have to.

Your P.OV.

I put my hair back as best as could with my hands still shaking from that message I'd  sent Ilima. The only remotely Alola thing I owned was a ruffled shirt and a longish skirt. It was only five thirty, but Alolans are famous for being REALLY early, so I wasn't surprised Prof. Kukui wanted to leave in ten minutes. I put one final pin in my hair to make sure it stuck. We hopped on his Tauros and we rode down Route 1 I had so may fine memories of this place....and then there's what happened earlier....I hate the idea that he can't tell me everything. "Y/N, I know you and Ilima are close, but this is a issue you might want to stay away from until he reaches out to you." "It's hard." "Y/N, I need an honest answer, do you have feelings for him?" "No?" He raised an eyebrow gesturing he wanted me to continue. "I think I did when I came here, but he's so different I don't know how to feel about him." "He's not the boy he was when you two were younger." "Is that good or bad?" "That's up to you cousin." "Let's get going."  The ride was longer then I know it could've been but I knew that was because Kukui was trying to encourage me to tell him something, he could tell I was tense after what he's said, and it really bugged me, because I myself didn't even know why I was. When we got there I hopped off quickly to see a good majority of the town festivities already started. I looked over and saw Mallow, she was my second best friend and I was happy  to see her and Kiawe standing by each other. "Y/N, YOU'RE HERE, YES, KIAWE YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" "What happened here?" "He bet me, that Ilima was lying about you coming back, and we both see he was wrong." "Ok, fine, here's your money Mallow." When he handed it to her I saw her face turn slightly pink. "Mallow can we go talk, I have a.....question." "Sure?" We walked over to an area away from Kiawe. "YOU LIKE HIM!" I whisper yelled. "Yes and this was gonna be a date but I chickened out." "I've got a plan..hehehehehe!" "What is it your gonna do?" "You'll find out if it works." I quickly ran back to Kiawe. "Sorry, Mallow had to use the lady's room, but there's something I wanted to ask." "Getting right to the point, I see you haven't changed much." "Do you have feelings for her?" "For Mallow, no.....maybe.......a little..............ok a lot." "Then, I want to know how much is a lot." "What're you asking?" "I'm asking you to sing, the song." Immediately he tensed up. "You know what that song means to me, you know, about my parents." "Yes, but I'm also not blind and I can see how much she means to you." "She means literally everything to me." "Do. You. Love. Her?" He look flustered at the question but eventually recovered and slowly nodded his head yes. "Then go sing it and be proud of your feelings." "Funny you got here like yesterday according to Ilima and your already fixing things that have been off for YEARS." This time it was my turn to tense up when he mentioned Ilima. "So you singing or what?" "Yes." I squealed internally and led him over to the sign up people. "Kiawe, you're singing?" "Yep and it's a very important song?" "Ritual, by Marshmelllow."  "You got it, since you say it's important I'll make sure you go first!" He thanked the man and we walked away. Mallow caught up with and glanced nervously at me. "You ready for my plan?" I whispered as we watched the people on the stage dancing. "Yep." When the dancers finished the man that had signed Kiawe up came on stage with a mic. "Welcome ladies and gents, tonight we have some VERY special performances, to start us off we have our very own, Captain Kiawe!" I looked over and it seemed like she had no clue that THIS was the plan, the main reason I know that is because she leaned over and said "So what's this big plan of yours?" I smirked and told her she'd see. "Hey, guys, this song is something I've wanted to do for a while, and, uh, I guess I'll start."

You, you're givin' me life
Givin' me all of you, mmm
Oh, it's true
Losin' myself
I found me right next you, oh yeah
You're something different
Instead of breaking my heart, you're picking up all the pieces
The way you're taking my heart
You're making it still look easy
But when I'm stuck in my head
We stay in bed through the weekend, oh yeah
Whoa, oh I, I never knew love, never knew love, never knew love
Living without you, living without you
Whoa, oh I, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost
Now that I found you, now that I found you
So hold me down
Don't know what I'd do if I was without you
Now, hold me down
Babe, it's all true
Now that I found you
It's my ritual
So hold me down
Don't know what I'd do, if I was without you
Now, help me now
Babe, it's all true
Now that I found you
My ritual
You, First thing on my mind when I'm waking up is you, oh yeah
When I'm blue
You spin me around like color wheel, yes you do
Oh yeah
You're something different
Instead of breaking my heart, you're picking up all the pieces
The way you're taking my heart
You're making it still look easy
But when I'm stuck in my head
We stay in bed through the weekend, oh yeah
Whoa, oh I, never knew love, never knew love, never knew love
Living without you, living without you
Whoa, oh I, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost
Now that I found you, now that I found you
So hold me down
Don't know what I'd do, if I was without you
Now, hold me down
Babe, it's all true
Now that I found you
It's my ritual
Never knew love, never knew love, never knew love
Living without you, living without you
Whoa, oh, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost, I don't feel lost
Now that I found you, now that I found you
Say you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm lost without my ritual)
As he finished I slowly watched Mallow realize what happened. "T-T-That was your big p-p-p-plan." "Yes ma'am!" "And he did it on purpose yep. As he came off stage I walked toward the back of the festivities, I may feel like crud but it makes me feel a little bit better knowing I'd helped them.
Hey, so I hope y'all like this little ship within a book of a ship, if that makes any sense, I had to get that out of my system quick and I thought it could be like a filler since I didn't want you and Ilima to make up super quick and unrealistically, anyway, I know this story isn't very popular yet but I'm gonna ask for characters, a boy and or a girl, for the storyline later, I'm not gonna say if it'll be a villain or a hero but it will be a key thing. Also before I show y'all the format you should have it in, that is my fanart of you and Ilima's outfit.
Character format~
Name: Middle name: optional-Last name:Required
Favorite color:Optional
Style: Highly recommended but not required
Backstory: this might be a little confusing, but, right two backstories one as a villain and one as a hero. Doing two I guess is optional, but I'd like it if u could.
       Finally I would prefer u PM me but commenting works as well, bye🤗

Also I'll post a chapter when I'm closing entries, it'll be pretty obvious with the title, but until then keep submitting

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