Ch.2 A New Journey Begins

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Your P.O.V.
       After mom left I went through security and went to find my gate. I saw some people crowed around someone at my gate. "Ok, ok, everyone, I'd love to stay and chat but I need to get back to Alola, don't want to disappoint trial goers!" He turned and saw me looking. "Y/N!" He yelled. "I'm sorry should I know you?" "Well that's only fair it has been ten years, it's me Ilima!" "OMG, ILIMA, IT'S BEEN FOREVER!" He ran toward me and I hugged him. When he backed up I smiled. "What are you doing at the airport, where're your parents!?" "They're not here, but I'm headed back to Alola!" "YOU'RE COMING HOME, AFTER TEN YEARS, YOU'RE COMING HOME!" "Yep, I'm staying at Prof. Kukui's lab!" "So I'm guessing you're on this flight!" "Yeppers!" "Then I can't wait to see you when we get there." He waved and I headed over to sit down. When they finally started calling people for the flight, I waved as I pasted Ilima. I boarded the plane quickly and sat down. I caught some girls looking at me funny, I saw the girl next to me giggle. "Did you do something to make these girls mad?" She asked laughing. "I don't think so!" "This, is, priceless, ha hahahahahaha!" The girl behind us leaned over. "It's cuz you're friends with Ilima, and basically everyone in Alola is like, in LOVE with him." "Hahahahahaha!" I burst out laughing thinking of the rule breaking Llima I knew. "Love, love him, Hahahahahah!" "Laugh it up now," Ilima said as he walked past us, "but I'm a trial captain now." "Y-You, a trial captain, hahahahahaha!" "Yes, me, a trial captain, why is that SO hard to believe?" "Oh I don't know, cuz you're the one that mocked me for going to beat the trials!" "I was ten!" "Still, I never expected you, to be a captain!" "Fair point!" "Well, go on there had to be a reason you were back here, and we're basically the back row, so that leaves on thing." "Ok, fine you caught me, but your mom's advice sticks with me to this day." "That makes one of us." I said as he started back toward the bathroom. I sat in silence for the few hour flight to Alola. "Thank you for riding PokeAir, we hope to see you again, and welcome to Alola, the local time is twn thirty P.M.!" When the voice finished talking everyone hurriedly got there bags and sped off." When I finally got off I saw Ilima standing there waiting for me. "Come on, not much has changed here, but I'm curious to see what's changed about you." "Well I have gym badges now, and my closet is more vast, but what about you, Captain Ilima?" "Well besides being Melmele's only captain, I moved into the city with my parents, you should visit sometime!" "I plan to, but I need to get to Kukui's." "Do you have any other luggage?" "Nope, my mom and me had it all shipped there!" "Well then lets head there right away!" He called a charizard and signaled me to get on behind. We flew and I looked down remembering every single part of Melemele island, I haven't been here in years, but I still know it like the back of my hand. "We're almost there, he's gonna be so happy to see you, not as happy as me, of course, but still pretty happy!" "Awww, you're the best, best friend a girl could have!" I hugged him tighter as we quickly descended toward the beach by Kukui's lab. "Come on, Y/N, aren't you excited!" He said noticing me looking out over the water. "Of course, I'm just having flashbacks of when we were younger, and we'd splash in the water with Kukui watching us, and when we had our first party, on the beach, and we stayed up way too late, and Kukui found us sleeping in the sand the next day!" "Good memories were had on this beach!" He said excitedly. "And more are to come, ten years later and I feel just like twelve year old me, who always kinda hoped, you'd like step up and tell me how much you liked me and I'd have an excuse to stay here, that was a silly thought though, and I knew it'd never happen." "True I didn't like you, but at the time, if it meant keeping you, I would've faked basically anything!" "That's sweet, you know I have a friend named Shana in Kalos, I think you two would get along!" "Maybe we would, but right now, I just like how things are." "Hey, I've been meaning to ask, why were you in Kalos?" "Ah, I knew that's come up soon, well, if you must know, I was studying how the gyms work, how they run, things like that." "I cannot believe we NEVER bumped into each other!" "Honestly, neither can I, I even went to a few ryhorn races hoping to see you and your mom, but there was no such luck!" "I'm glad we're back together now, together forever, BFF, YAASSSSS!" "Oh my gosh, dude really, you remember that!" "How could I forget, we may be twenty-three but I practiced that so much, I could do it even if I was losing my mind!" "I think you lost it the moment you started hanging out with me!" "I wanted to give you a chance when nobody else would, and I learned that you're a a really nice person, and I have never regretted what everybody at school said 'The dumbest thing that dumbbell, has ever done, was talked to that Weirdo loser' and walking right on past them and sat down." "And you said 'I know your not really all that scary, but my friends are wimps and won't sit with you, I'm Y/N and we're friends now' that was the first day in a long line of turn around for my entire life. "Glad to be of service!" "Let's head into the lab!" He said remembering why we were here. "Come, on let's go in!"
Hey, so I'm realizing how many red dots under words there are when you write Pokemon stuf- See Ya🤗

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