Ch.33 Finale (Don't Kill Me)

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{A/N Important ish at the end} {This is gonna be full of time skips}

It's been about a week since Y/N started going to school. It was my last day here in Kalos and I'd have to leave while she was still gone. Don't misinterpret, I'm not doing it on purpose to run away, but I need to get back to my trial duties soon and we both figured it would be easier if we didn't have to go together. I had basically nothing when I came which made the packing easier. Recently Y/N had been catching hell for deciding to end her career and settle down, I'd tried to stand by her as best I could, but Eli was a persistent person at heart. The only thing that I could really do was love her and comfort her. I felt bad that the first week of our relationship had been so stressful, but it had also been a lot of fun. Now I was flying over the tall buildings of Kalos on my charizard and heading back to Alola.

As soon as I arrived Prof. Kukui was standing at the entrance to the house. "So how was Kalos?" He asked as soon as I approached. "It was ok, dramatic, but ok." "And Y/N?" I smiled down at my hands. "She's good, much happier." He tilted his head in confusion. "What happened, did you two finally get together?" He sounded half like my mom and half like my childish best friend. "Yes, and she decided to finally follow her real dream." "Which is...?" "She's becoming a teacher." Finally saying it made me feel happy for her. "Quite a difference." "It is, but you should see the way her face light up when she thinks about working with the children. It's the cutest humanly possible expression EVER." I could feel my heart racing just thinking about the way she described her first day. "You must really be in love." "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said sarcastically. "My, my, this young boy is becoming a young man." "I'll see you around Kukui." "I'll see you."

2 weeks later {Your P.O.V.}

I stood in front of Ilima's door with a bag in hand and I bright smile on my face. Knock Knock. I stood and waited for someone to come to the door. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you! Ilima's up in his room." Ilima's mom directed me inside and towards the stairs. "Thank you!" I replied running up the stairs. "Mom what's all the comotion downstairs?!" As soon as I had clammered my way upstairs I saw Ilima's door creak open. "Y/N?!" He yelled questioningly. I nodded with a bright grin plastered over my face. "Why are you here, you're supposed to be going to school!" He ran over to me and quickly grabbed my bag. "I have a few days off and I decided to spend them with my boyfriend." Boyfriend. Just saying that word was made my own heart flutter. "And you're staying with us?" I giggled and shook my head. "No, I'm staying somewhere else." He nodded. "Where?" "Our new apartment!" I exclaimed. "Our?!" "Yes our, only if you want to, I hope you're not upset." "Upset? I'm ecstatic!" He let go of the handle of my suitcase and brought me into a tight hug. "I love you so much Y/N." "I love you too Ilima."

8 Months Later

I stood in front of the mirror as I waited for Ilima's dad to come. Since my parents had split and my dad had been impossible to get in contact with, he was the best substitution to walk me down the aisle. I fiddled nervously with the fabric of my dress and tried my hardest not to bite my lip and mess up my makeup. On the happiest day of your life are you supposed to be this nervous? Everyone has been telling me it's normal, but I'm convinced no one should have this big of a pit in their stomachs. "Y/N, are you ready?" Ilima's dad said from behind the door. I carefully made my way over and opened the door. "Yes Mr.-" "Uh-Uh, we've been over this, you call me dad." He said waving his hand. "Right, yes dad." He smiled and offered his hand. "Ilima is just as nervous." He said nonchalantly as we made our way down the short hallway. "How do you know?" "If he's the same son that I've been raising for the past twenty-four years, he's a nervous wreck." I nodded and smiled. "Dad, are you sure you're ok with Kukui walking me down as well?" "Oh for goodness sake, that man might as well be your real father, of course I'm fine with it!" He gave me a reassuring smile. "Y/N! You look fabulous!" Shauna, my maid of honor, said as she ran up to me. "No wonder Ilima is so in love!" She squeaks. "Shauna! Come on it's your turn!" She sends me one last happy glance and then runs of to get in her position. I heard the sweet bellow of the processional music. "Ready?" Kukui whispered to me and dad. "Ready." I nodded

The reception was crazy. The din of the loud music drowning any voices except the ones you were focusing on. I'd eaten a lot, stress eating, I'm happy, so incredibly happy, but all I really wanted was to go back to sleep. "Should we get out of here?" I heard Ilima whisper. "Yes, yes we should." I nodded with a yawn. "I'll go tell our parents to make the announcement." he kissed my forehead and walked off. "ATTENTION! If everyone could please make their way outside to see the happy couple off!" I heard my mom's voice boom from the mic. I felt a hand on my arm and turned to see Ilima beaming. "Let's go?" He asked holding out his hand. "Let's go."


I'm sorry for the long wait, I'm sorry this is the finale,

(Unfortunately do to school and summer I'm canceling the sequel, so bye✌️)

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