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              After a while I began to worry about Ilima. I'd texted him at least a dozen times and I'd searched high and low for his phone Incase he'd left it. As my search came to a depressing stop looked panned the room for a note, something, ANYTHING, that would tell me why he left. Love-Love is so frickin confusing. One second I'm full of energy and wanting to see him and talk about all my feelings with him and the next I want to murder him for making me worry, and then even another second I'm sitting in a chair with my hands around my knees shakily watching my phone waiting for Ilima to say something. I can't even begin to describe how much I just wanted to get out of this damn apartment and run, even if it was a wild goose chase, to find him. Hate is an equally confusing emotion. One minute I feel so much hate towards myself, trying to think of what I could have possible done, or what the hell could have caused him to run away. The next minute I have hate for an unknown, possibly inanimate, object or person.

                              I had this pit in my stomach. I wanted so much to run back to the apartment I couldn't though, I couldn't face her feelings. I might have feelings for her, maybe, but I-I didn't know if I loved her. She had been my best friend for over 10 years, and I didn't want to know what would happen if it didn't work out. It was dark out and I'd been walking now for hours. "Ilima?" I turned and saw Prof. Sycamore walking over. "Are you ok?" "Oh I'm fine..." "Why are you in Kalos?" "I was with Y/N but I'm planning to head back...soon." "What happened?" "She told me she loves me." "Y/N has always been an interesting child, I remember when she came to get her Kalos Pokemon and she burst through the door." Now we had both sat down on a nearby bench. "What should I do?" "I hate to admit it, but I'm older than you kid, and I have much more experience, and in my infinite wisdom I tell you just to talk to her. That's what girls like." "But what if I don't like her as much as she likes me?" "If you told someone you loved them, would you rather they take time to tell you they aren't interested and apologize, or, avoid you for the rest of your life? And if you want to bring up the lame, "But our friendship" excuse you're very immature." "I know but, I can't fall for her, Eli would kill me." "Eli...?" "Oh, um, an old family friend that wants her to focus on her career..." "Well I gotta go, but my parting advice is this, Screw someone else's opinion and do what your heart says."
My apologies for the sloppy ending, I was trying to get this out on time and I'm extremely tired.

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