A/N Where I keep going

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You might be wondering why wait times for chapters keep getting longer, and even if you aren't I feel the need to fill you guys in. Ok, so last week I had Basketball tournament, and my brother came home from Basic Training (American Military stuff) This week, though I really don't have any excuses. All I have to say is that I've been facing off with this little 'bully' at my school (Don't worry, I'm not the one being bullied I'm just an extremely protective person) Now I know that dealing with a bully is something a majority of people do in their lives (Which is actually pretty sad) but see usually when facing a bully, to put it lightly, the bully has brains. The frustrating thing about this girl is the fact that she keeps taking advantage of my one extremely naive friend (She's a pastor's kid) So now you may be wondering what the hell this had to do with my chapters? I have anxiety to some degree so when she has a really bad day I get frustrated and all I can do is listen to music and read, I have very little attention span when I get like this. And just this week she's hit her pettiest, I mean she honestly turned the bathroom lights off and than tried to tease me about it. Now before anyone would give me advice like 'Go to the principal' I go to a private school, I'm in the class where the principal is the teacher, also he doesn't really have a designated office, trust me I am taking proper steps according to my school, but it's an interesting situation. ANWWHOOO, on a less serious note we hit 5k reads recently so...THANK YOU! I also want to throw one shameless premotion in here, I've recently joined a joint account with some good friends, K_pop_queens so if you wanna go check out my J-Hope X Reader that I recently started over there, I'd appreciate it and while you're over there check out the All the works that me and friends make~~~~
(I've no idea what happened with the font :P)

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