[33] The Last Goodbye

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Copper POV


After we visited my dad, he disappeared. Hours become day. Days become week. And it is been two weeks I didn't see him.

He wasn't at his dorm. Sun told me he never came back. He hasn't been showed up to campus too. Where he is? What he is doing?

I was dying to know and I was dying to meet him because I miss him so much. Universe knows how much I missed him.

As I walked to the parking lot, I saw him. He stood there near my car. He saw me and smiled. He surprised me.

I ran after him and hugged him so tight. I wanted to show him how much I missed him. I looked at his face and touched it with my hands to feel it was real, not a dream. I buried him on my embrace again.

"I missed you!" I exclaimed, "I missed you so much, Oh!" he chuckled.

"I can see that"

"Where have you been? Why you disappeared? You okay? Have you eat? What are you doing?" I questioned him with many questions, "I missed you so much!" I added again.

He didn't answer me. He just smiled and being cute in front of me. Should I kiss him? Damn, that lips I missed to taste that lips!

We was on amusement park. He dragged me here. I looked at him in confused.

"Why are we here?"

"Date!" he exclaimed, "It is a date. You and me!" he smiled.

Okay, he was missing. Disappeared for two weeks and now he showing up and look so happy. I didn't complain. It is just, it look so weird.

"Come on!" he dragged me again.

We enjoy our time together. We played almost all thing in amusement park and he still not look tired at all while me, I was exhausted. How come he doesn't afraid with those scariest and craziest thing over there?

"I don't know if you're so weak" he joked on me, "I don't like weak guy to be my boyfriend anyways!" he added.

"But I am good on the bed, don't you remember?" I teased him.


"Wanna find out?" I winked. He came close to me and lead his body on me. He whispered.

"Later" his voice is so seductive. Did he tried to seduce me?

He gave me a peck on my cheek. Damn. This guy really knew how to seduce me. He ran and I tried to catch him. He laughed when I couldn't reach him. How could he is being so fast?

Shit. I need to catch him, hugged him, kissed him and do this and that to make him moaned my name.

Challenge accepted, Oh! Don't regret of it, okay?!


"Wanna take a selfie?" he asked me, "Let's take a selfie. Where is your phone?"

I gave him my phone and he opened it. He looked at my phone for a while like he was surprised then he smiled. He looked at me.

"Still using the same pass code, huh?"

"Because you are so important to me!"

"Cheesy as always" he smiled and blushed.

I still used same pass code since I met him. The date of our first met in university. The day when he bumped me and I scolded him. The day when fate brought us back together.

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