[11] I See Him, My Heart Beats

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This is a throwback to the beginning
Start from their first year in university

And this is Inn POV


Uni's life. Well, not so bad as I thought. Even for us, engineering student, it is not so bad. Although people said they pitied us because we should through SOTUS system, but I found it was fun. I had learnt alot from it. Sacrifice, friendship, bounding, leadership and ect. You can't compare it with anything. And I am so proud to be a part of it. I am so proud to be engineering student.

Well, my life in Uni was fine. Not bad but not so good. It was fine. Just fine. Until I met him.

I didn't know when it happened, but I think he made me interest. He attracted me with his presence. I didn't know who he is but for me he is cute. I never know if I couldn't be so gay for him. He made me confused about my sexuality. I never dated someone before but so far I knew, I always attracted to girls. But with him, everything is changed.

First time I saw him was when he came to faculty of engineering. I thought he wanted to meet his friends or he wanted to fetch his friends but nope, he didn't. He just stood there in the gate. Just watching for someone until that person left and then he left. It always like that.

He always doing that for whole year we became a freshmen. Then he stop did that. I felt like my day was empty without seeing him. I tried to find who was him, but I couldn't. He was like a ghost. Disappear without anyone noticed.

When I already forget about him, he popped up in my life again. He became friend with someone who he always look after, Oh. I didn't know since when they became close. As I knew, he was watching him from afar. Never have talked to him even for once. But now, they become friend. He is like a puzzle for me. What he actually wants?

I didn't know what he wants. But I knew what I want. I wanted to know him. I wanted to be close with him. I wanted to be friend with him. Yeah, a friend. For first step. Maybe more after that.

As I wanted to kniw him, I should be the one who made a move first. Just like now. I saw him at my faculty canteen with Oh. I approached them. I could use appologize on behalf of what Copper did to him yesterday. Yes, I could do that even I didn't know what happened to them.

I called Oh and appologized. I appologized about what happened between him and Copper, but that cute guy yelled at me. He said something bad about my bestfriend. I got boiled because of that. I tried to hold my anger but I couldn't.

"What is your problem? Why he should stay away from my friend?"

Yes, I was angry but at the same time I wanted to know why this cute guy didn't allow my friend be friend with his friend. Copper is not a bad guy, as I knew. He is a nice person. But this cute angry guy in front of me seems like he doesn't like my friend at all.

"And you, you're too cute to be someone who has hot temperament. Smile a bit and maybe I will fall for you!"

I left after saying that to him. Well, honestly he doesn't have to smile or do something nice to me to make me fall for him because I think I am arleady falling for him from the beginning. Yeah, because my heart always beats for him whenever I see him.


Break times is something that I really didn't look forward. Not because I didn't like it. It is because I just wanted all my classes would be end soon and I could go home. But everything is changed. Everything should be changed for good.

Just like today, I was looking forward for lunch break. I rushed to canteen when class ended. I wanted to see Oh. I mean the friend of him. The cute friend of him. And lucky me, when I went to canteen his friend called me. It was a girl I met before. She called me and told me to join them. I was happy to accept that offer.

I sat in front of that cute guy. He look annoyed because of my presence. He mad at me. He tried to change his seat with his friend. Damn. This cute guy is hard to handle, but it made me more excited. The way he angry with me still make him so cute. Even when he is angry, he is so cute. How come a guy can be so cute even when he is angry? Damn. This cute guy made me so bad!

"So, his name is Sun? It suits his face. I like it!"

He choked on his drink when I spoke like that. He glared at me but I gave him smile. It was so cute and I couldn't help it but smile. A girl named Nam asked me if I was trying to hit on her friend. Well, honestly I didn't know if I wanted to court him or not, but I wanted to be close with him.

"Well.... I don't know. So, what do you think, sunshine?" I looked at him who still give me his murder stare.

"Don't ever you dare to try me!"

"I won't" I said, "But I will let you to try me!"


And I saw he was blushing. Oh my God, he is more adorable and more cute when he was blushing. Damn. This cute guy, Sun, really knows how to make my heart races. It was beating so fast again.

I was smiling because of it. Smile of happiness. And my happiness because of him. He is my happiness.


So, you guys know if Sun has watching Oh since they was freshmen

Why he did that?
After years, why he became Oh's friend now? Why not from the freshmen year?

Need a clue again?
Maybe I will add it later 😉

See you in next chapter

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