[22] Change : I Want You Back

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This is the scene after Oh felt unconscious and called Copper as Sun


I woke up and he was nowhere to be found. I tried to remember what happened to me. My heart felt so sorry about him after I remembered about what happened before. I didn't mean to hurt him. I knew if he felt so hurt, but I didn't mean to hurt him. It wasn't like what he thought. I hoped he knew that.

I knew I did something wrong by called him Sun instead his name. But it wasn't Sun my best friend. It was Sun, a little kid from my childhood. I didn't know him but I knew he was someone important for me.

Next day and the days after, he never showed up. Even when we suddenly met, he ignored me. He avoid me. I tried to talk to him but he just ignored me like I wasn't exist. Is he really mad at me? Is he hate me now because of that?

I went to his faculty because I really wanted to meet him. To talk to him. I was dying to talk to him. To say sorry for hurting him. I wanted everything back to normal because I missed his presence. I missed him so much.

I didn't know since when, but his presence in my life is something addictive to me. If I didn't meed him, I felt empty. If he wasn't around, I felt something missing. He is a part of my life now. I wanted him to be around me. Like forever?

Peach told me if I could find him in library. She walked me there before she bid me goodbye. I walked in to library and looked around. He was on the corner of the library. He was sleeping.

I sat beside him. He leaned down his head on the table. He was moving when the light from the sun touched his face. I covered his face from the sun. He was sleep in peace. He look at ease even though I saw dark circle around his eyes. I bet he had lack of sleep in the night. I stayed like that for half of an hour.

He woke up. He rub his eyes with his finger. He looked around. At the end, his eyes locked at me. He looked at me. He was startled. I smiled at him. He didn't smile back at me. He tried to collect his stuff. He took the books and put them in his bag. He got up.

"I am sorry" I told him. He stopped. For moment. Then he walked away without any words. I left dumbfounded and felt so hurt. He ignored me and it hurted me alot. I wanted to cry. My heart sting and it felt like my heart got stub by knife.

I walked like a zombie. Like I didn't see my surrounding. I was a zombie who bumped with some people. Sometime they yelled at me. Sometime I said sorry, sometime I ignored them. And sometime I fell down. I knew my knee hurt. My knee got injuried. It was hurt but I felt no pain at all. The pain is from somewhere else. The pain is from my heart. My heart is in deep pain.

"Oh, what happen to you?"

I looked up and saw Peach looked at me. She look worried. She kneed down and helped me to get up. He held me and brought me to the bench on the yard.

She took a first aid box. She cleaned my wound. She put iodine on my wound. It was sting but it didn't hurt. My heart is more hurt.

"What happen to you, Oh?"

"I am sorry" I sobbed.

"Hey, it is okay...."

"I am sorry" I cried.


I woke up and feeling so weak. I got up. My knee felt so weak. I pushed myself to walk because my body need some energies to keep me alive. My empty stomach need something to fill it and stop it protested.

I went to food stall nearby as usual. It was crowded. There was long queue. It made wait for few minutes before I got my food. I waited for 20 minutes before my foods came. I felt so hungry. I almost finish my food when I saw him. Copper.

He saw me. He wanted to come in but hesitant. He turned back and walked away. I ran after him and tried to catch him.

"Copper, wait!" I called him. He ignored me again. He kept walking. He made our distance farther and farther. I ran faster and caught him. I grabbed his hand and it made him stop.

"Please don't go away!" I begged him, "Please don't leave me!"

He kept quite. He kept silent. He just stayed there. He didn't dare to face me. I tried to spin him to face me, but he was strong. I couldn't do it. I just hugged him from back and leaned my face to his back. I hugged him so tight like I didn't want to let him go.

"I need you!" I told him, "I want you back, Copper. I missed you!"

He touched my hands. It felt so nice to feel his skin on my skin. His hand felt so warm. I liked his touch over my hands. I missed his touch so much. I missed him so bad.

He let go of my hands. He let go of my embrace. I felt so hurt. He left me. He left me again after saying sorry.

"I am sorry, Oh!"


I walked like a zombie again. I didn't know where my feet brought me. It was a park. I sat on bench and looked blankly in the darkness. My eyes blured. My eyes was watering. I cried. My tears was running down on my face.

"Why you do this to me, Copper?" I cried, "I am sorry. I am really sorry. I am so sorry"

I cried out loud and sobbed. I didn't care if people would think I am crazy because I knew I was crazy. Yes, I was crazy. I was being crazy because of him. He made me going crazy. Why he changed? Why he doesn't care about me again?

"I want you back, Copper!" I mumbled, "I need you. I missed you, Copper!"


I am sorry to make Oh sad and cry again
Please don't hate me 🙏🙏🙏

See you in next chapter

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