[10] I Have Fallin' For Him

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"I think I like you, Oh!"

I touched my chest. It was beating fast. Everytime I remembered about what he said to me, it is beating so fast. I never felt like this before. Do I like him?

No. It is not like that. I just knew him for awhile. How could I like him in romantic way? I still don't know who he is. I didn't know him completely.

I afraid about this feeling. This is strange for me. But why I felt so right? This is strange but it felt so right. Am I crazy? Am I turning gay because of him? Is it possible? I didn't know. Maybe I am now. Do I mind? I think nope. As long it is him, I never mind I guess.

"What was Inn mean yesterday? About you didn't mind he kisses you?" Nam asked  Sun to the point.

We are at mall now. It is weekend, so we spend our single life by hang out together as a single person. Even we are single but we are happy. At least for me and Nam, because someone who called Sun, look so angry right now.

He choked his drink again for nnth times everytime Nam asked him about that sensitive issue about him and Inn.

"It was nothing"

"How could be it is nothing?!" Nam yelled, "You kissed a handsome engineering guy. I remind you, a hot one and you said nothing? Unbelievable!"

"So, you kissed him or he kissed you?" I asked him.

"Is it matter?" he frowned, "Just forget about it. Okay? It was nothing!"

"But why you are blushing?"

I saw he was blushing. He always blushes whenever we talked about him and Inn. It was so funny but cute at the same time. Teasing him with Inn is being the subject could make him look so cute with embarrassing. Haha.

"Maybe Inn isn't a good kisser, that is why he said it was nothing!" Nam made a conclusion.

"NOOO!!!" he yelled. He hit the table and made a loud sound about it. Everyone looked at him. When he realised what he just just did, he sat down again. He buried his face on the table. He was feeling embarrassed. I could see his ears became red. Nam and I laughed.

"Can you just kill me now, guys?" he mumbled.


Sun left first because he said he need to do something. Nam asked me to accompany her to buy some accessories. Well, I didn't habe any plans so I came along with her. She was busy choosing an accessories for me. She wanted to buy me a necklace. A cool one but I refused. I told her if I already have one. I showed her my own necklace that I wear.

 I showed her my own necklace that I wear

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"Wow. That is so cool! How you get this, Oh?"

"I don't know. I have it since I was a kid. Maybe my parent bought it for me"

"May I see it?"

I hand her my necklace. She seems in awe looking at my necklace. Well, I barely wear it because I don't want it is missing. Usually, I always put it on my cupboard near my picture. I think it was something important, that is why I tried to keep it save.

"Oh?" someone called me again. Nam and I turnes to face that person. It was Peach. She smiled at me as usual. I smiled back.

"Do you come here to buy a couple ring for your date?" I shook my head. Nam just laughed.

"No, I afraid nope. He isn't my date anyways!" Nam told her. She just made O shape with her beautiful mouth.

I introduced her to Nam and they became so close to each other after that. I left alone. They talked about things, this and that. You know, girla stuff. And I didn't even know what the hell they are talking about.

"I think I have seen that necklace before!" Peach pointed at my necklace on Nam's hand, "Is it yours?"

"Nope. It is Oh's!" I took my necklace and put it back.

"I think I have seen it before but I forgot where" she said again, "But it doesn't matter. Wanna join me for dinner? My treat to celebrate our new friendship?"

Well, free foods. Who would be refuse it? I am not. So, I am in. Nam also. We join her for dinner. We have nice chit chat and have fun time. We spent our saturday night by making new friend. It was fun.


Peach and I walked out from mall. Nam already left. Peach wanted to give me ride to my dorm but I refused it. I told her I could go by myself.

"Are you sure?" Peach asked me. I nodded to assure her I could go to the dorm by myself.

"Peach!" someone called her name from behind. We looked back. It was him. Copper.

"Copper! Good" she said, "You wanna go back to your dorm, right?"

"Mmmm" he confused, "Why?"

"Can you give Oh ride? Your dorm is near his dorm, right?"

"It is okay, Peach. I can go by myself. I don't want to bother him!" I tried to refuse.

"It is okay. I can take you with me. We have same way, so it is okay!"

"Good!" she exclaimed, "I will go now. See you tomorrow, Copper. And Oh, see you again!" she bid us goodbye.

Copper lead me to his car. We drove in silent. I didn't know what to say to him. It was awkward moment. I couldn't look at his face. I couldn't face him. I didn't know what to do.

"Have you eat?" he tried to break our awkwardness. I nodded. And we went silent again.

"About what I said last time. I... I...." he seems didn't know what to say to me. He didn't continue what he said. He became silent again. We were in silent again.

"We can take it slowly, if you want" he spoke again.

We arrived at the dorm building. He parked his car. We kept silent for moment. I thought I was zone out.

"We already arrive, Oh!"

"Huh?" I startled, "Ooo... Thank you!"

I tried to unbuckle the seat belt. It stuck again. I stuck again. He helped me just like before. We were in sam position again. Same position as before. His face so close to me. His warm breath touched my face. It made me shivered in a good way. We looked at each other eyes. We breath in same rhythm.

"I am sorry Oh, I think I can't hold it back"

And he kissed me. On the lips. I was shocked. My eyes wide opened. He locked our lips together for moment then he pushed away. He looked at my eyes again for awhile then he leaned his face again to me. He touched my lips with his lips again. Now, he kissed me gently. His lips touched mine with lovely touch.

I should push him. I should angry. I should punch him. But I didn't do it. I let him kissed me. It was so warm. I felt so warm. I felt so loved.

What we did was wrong, but strangely I felt so right. It wasn't right but I felt it was right thing to do.

I didn't know what happened to me. I just let him kissed me. And the strange thing, I kissed him back. It was my first kiss but I felt so happy to give him my first kiss. I didn't know why.

Maybe deep down in my heart, I knew I have falling for him. Yeah, I think I have falling for him. No. I am already falling for him. I am falling for Copper.


Finally I made them kissed 😘😂😂

Next chapter I will make Inn POV
We will throwback to the freshmen year for a bit 😉

See you in next chapter

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