[7] Hide and Seek

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"Mushroom! Mushroom!" A tall boy called another short boy who was busy playing with his toy. He looked at the tall boy.

"Don't call me that. I hate that name!"

"But it is cute. I like it!" the tall boy said, "And you look cute!"

The short boy was smilling when he heard the tall boy called him cute. The tall boy smiled at him. They smiled to each other.

I woke up from that dream again. That dream keep repeated in my sleep every single night after Copper showed up in my dorm. I didn't know why, but I am sure if the short boy is look like me when I was ten. I didn't remember who was the tall kid. I didn't know who he is. And I didn't remember if I have a friend who look like that boy. Who is he?

I was panting when I woke up. Sweats running down in my face and my body. I felt so wet. It was a nightmare. I got a nightmare again, about them.

I hang out, walked around after took shower and changed. This is Sunday so no class for today. Sun and Nam back to their home. I couldn't go back home because I still have assignments to work on.

I just kept walking around to feel breeze through the air. It made my mind clear. It helped me to clear my mind. I felt more ease. I felt more peace. I forgot about the nightmare that I always have every night.

"It is you again!" a girl spoke to me, "You were the one who I saw cried last time, right?"

It was a beautiful girl who last time handed me a handkerchief to wipe my tears. I nodded and smiled at her. But why she should remember about I was being cry baby? It was embarrassing!

"Enjoying your lazy sunday?" she asked me. I nodded. "How are you today? Feel better now?"

"Yeah, you can say that. More better now" I smiled.

"Good! Better you keep smilling. It is suit you. You look more cute when you smile" I blushed because of what she said, "See, now you even look more cute when you're blushing!"

She smiled. It made me more blushing. I could feel my face became red. My ear felt so hot. Damn. My blushing face was in another level. She laughed at me when she saw me became so shy.

"By the way, I am Peach and you?" she offered her hand to me. I reached it and shook her hand. It was so soft and warm.

"Oh. You can call me Oh" I introduced myself to her. We talked random stuff after that. She is so fun to talk with. She is funny and fun.

"So, do you live near this building?"

"No. I live in my own home, I mean I live with my parent" she told me, "I am meeting a friend who lives here"

As we saw Copper, she told me if he is a friend who she talked about. He saw us. He saw me. He came as fast as he could. Before he could come closer and talked to me, I bid goodbye to Peach. I told her I have to hurry for some other business I should do.

I left her. She wanted to stop me but she couldn't. I could hear she called my name. But I didn't stop. I moved fast. I didn't want to meet him now. Not yet. Maybe someday. I didn't know.

I afraid I will pass out again if I meet him. I afraid about what will happen to me. I was curious about my vision but at the same time, I afraid. I am not ready to find out whatever it is.


I felt like a thief who was hiding from a police man. Yes, that was what we did. I hid from him. And he alwasy kept looking for me. Even he came to my dorm and knocked my doo but I never opened it. I wanted to stay away from him, just like what Sun told me. I didn't know why but he told me it for my own good, so I did it.

This evening, Sun hasn't come back from his home. Nam too. I missed them. I wanted to spend time with them.

I killed my evening by spent it in mall. I just walked around, enjoying this and that. I saw an even in that mall. I watched live band perform. I was busy enjoying it when someone pat my shoulder from back. I turned around and I saw Peach. She smiled at me.

"We meet again, Oh!" she greeted me with her beautiful smile. I nodded and smiled back to her.

"What are you doing here alone?" she asked me.

"Just hanging around. You?" She showed me a bunch of books in her shopping bag.

"You know, some not fun things. College, studies, assignments. Something like that!" She told me. It made me chuckled. I didn't know if she was like that. I mean, she look smart. But I think, smart people is human too. Sometime they felt bored about study and stuff. Just like usually me.

We had chit chat for awhile. She invited me to join with her friend but I refused her. I didn't want to bother them. As we talked we heard someone voices when he passed us.

"Ai'Oon, wait for me!" a tall guy called a chubby cute burnette who walked away from him, "Ai'Oon!"

The burnette guy turned around and faced the tall guy. He look so annoyed. He look mad. His gaze could kill someone, I think. I didn't know a cute guy like him could be look so fierce.

"Kongpop!" he yelled at the tall guy, "Stop calling me that name!"

"Why? It is your name, Ai'Oon" the tall guy who named Kongpop said to him in lovely voice, "Why? Don't you like your own name?"

"Not like that. It is just...."

"Okay, P'Arthit. My sun. I won't call you like that. At least not here, Ai'Oon" he winked at the guy who he called P. That P got blushed. He look so cute when he blushed.

"You know P, your name is suit you. Oon, warm. Arthit, sun" Kongpop said to him, "You're my sun who always shines my heart and makes me feel warm"

Oon? Arthit? Warm? Sun?

I got headache again. My head was hurted when that words hit my head. It was hurting me a lot. Peach tried to hold me from falling.

"Sun! Sun! Sun!" A voice kept playing on my mind. It was a lil boy's voice. It always changed from a happy one to the sad one.

"You come, Sun?"

"I miss you, Sun!"

That voice it so familiar. I knew it was my voice when I was kid. Yeah, that was my voice. I was sure about it. A hundred percent.

My head kept bangin. I didn't know what happened after that. All I knew, everything became dark.


Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
I made appearance of our beloved couple P'Kong and P'Arthit 😉

I can't wait for Sotus S The Series! 😁

Btw, am I making you curious again with this chapter?
Did I made you confuse?
Well, honestly I confuse too 😂😂😂

But, everything will be clear in future chapters 😊
It will be long until everything is revealed 😉

See you in next chapter

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