[5] Why He Makes Me Feel Like This?

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This chapter is Copper POV


Since I met him for the first time, my life became miserable. Everything never went smooth as I wanted. He always ruined my day. I never knew him, but why he seem knew me? Who is he?

"Just stay away from him!" Sun threatened me.

"Like I want to know him. I will be glad if we never meet again!"

"Good! Be true with your words, Copper or else. I will make your life more miserable!" He walked away. Ready to left me.

"Do you love him?" I asked him.

"None of your business!"

I didn't know what happened with Sun. We were used to be friends when we were kids, but now he changed. He changed since last the day he came to my house. It was when we were 10. Since then he changed. I didn't know why. I didn't know his reason. He just changed.


I was waiting for Peach to come when someone pat my shoulder. I turned around. I thought it was Peach but I was wrong. It was him. The guy who I met in food stall few days ago. What is he doing here?

"Who are you?" he asked me, "Why I feel like I missed you so much?"

Huh? Did I heard it wrong? Is my ears playing with me? He asked me who I am? It should be me who asked him, who is he? Why he keeps bothering me?

"Are you crazy?"

Yes, I think he is crazy. Why he said something creepy like that? I never know him. I never met him before. And he out of sudden said he missed me so much? That was the craziest thing I ever heard in my entire life.

He said sorry to me and walked away. He passed Inn. He gave Inn a book and then left. Inn wanted to know what happened to him, but he just walked away without any words. Inn looked at me. He gave me a look.

"What did you do to him?"

"I am not doing anything to him"

"Then why he look so sad? Why he seems want to cry?"

I didn't answered his question. When I heard that guy was crying, my heart told me to follow him. My body walked to chase him. And I found him. He was with Peach. They seem was talking to each other. I saw him cried. My heart felt so hurt when I saw him crying. I didn't know why but it was hurting me a lot. What happened to me?

I saw Peach gave him handkerchief. He smiled at Peach. I liked the way he smiled. What? Why am I being like this?

 What? Why am I being like this?

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I called Peach. They looked at me. He looked at me. I knew. But I didn't look at him. I didn't dare.

"What are you doing here, Peach? Come on. Our class will start soon!"

"Okay, I will be there soon!" she said.

I waited her to come then we left. I could feel he still watched me from behind. I wanted to look back at him but I hold that intention.

"You seem know him, Peach"

"Nope. I just met him today" she replied, "Why? Are you jealous?"

"Why would I?"

"I hope you would be jealous because of him" she laughed, "I think we still have chance to go back together after our broke up six moths ago"

I didn't answered her. I just kept walking beside her. I didn't know how to answer her. After our broke up, we kept being friend. Best friend. And I still love her but only just a friend. No more.

"I am just joking anyways. Why you're so serious?" she laughed, "You're not fun to be joked around with. I wonder, how your future girlfriend will handle you"

Well, whoever a girl who becomes my girlfriend should be deal with who I am. I won't change. So, take me or leave me.


The next day, I saw him again in food stall. He walked away when he saw me. I ran after him. I wanted to talk to him. No. I just wantes to make sure if we are stranger and nothing happened between us. Me and him.

Yes, I told him like that but he seem like he took it in wrong way. I didn't mean to call him crazy. Yes, I admit I had called him crazy but I didn't mean it in that way. I was shocked of what he said to me. It was reflex reply.

He walked away when he told me if he would avoid me from now. Yes, that was I wanted the most. Back to my old life before I met him. I didn't want have more problems because of him. I didn't have bound with him. I wanted my smooth life back to its path line. But why I felt like I was hurting myself? Why my heart felt so hurt when I saw his sad face? I didn't understand myself at all.

A week without seeing him was such a hell. I didn't know why. I just felt my life was empty. I felt empty inside. It never happened before. Even after broke up with Peach, I still fine. But with him, I felt different. Who is he? Why he makes me feel like this?

Fuck of myself. I didn't care if I swallow my own saliva. I did said I wanted him to go away from me. But after he disappeared from my life, from my daily life, my life seem so blank. I felt so empty. I need to see him. My heart told me to see him. I had to see him.

And here I am, in engineering, waiting for him. I asked Inn what time his class will end and he told me. So, here I am waiting to see a glimps of him. I didn't know why but I felt so excited. It never happened before. I never felt like this before. This is the first time I felt like this.

I saw him. He was walking alone. He seem lonely. I wanted to ran to him and hugged him. I didn't know why but I just felt like I need to do it. But I hold it. I didn't want him to think me crazy. But I am crazy right now. What I am doing is crazy. I knew.

When he so close, I jumpes to him tried to surprise him. He seem startled. He wanted to scream but I stopped him. I covered his mouth with my palm. I told him it was me. He looked at me and then he calmed down.

"Are you playing me? Why are you doing this to me?"

"I don't know what happens to me. I only know, I want to meet you. No. I have to meet you. To see you. You make me like this!"

Yes. That is the truth. I didn't know what happened to me. All I knew is I had to meet him. He made me feel like I missed him. No, my heart missed him so much.

For people who read this might think I am crazy, but it was my true feeling. I missed him even though I didn't know him. Even though we just met few weeks ago but I felt like my heart miss this guy for long times ago.

I didn't know what it is but I will figure it out. Maybe become close to him will make me solve this puzzle feeling in my heart. I hoped so.


Well, seems like our OH and COPPER don't know each other
So, why their heart felt like they missed each other so much?
What is actually happen with them?

And Sun, what he knows? Why he threatened Copper like that?
Is he really likes Oh?

I hope you could guess what I wanted to write about this story 😇

If you are still wondering,
Well, see you in next chapter then 😉

Bye bye

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