[48] A Perfect Disaster With Little Devils [Part 1]

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Finally we are back to our normal life. Normal? Sorry, I was wrong. My life is never going normal with him, my crazy boyfriend. Everything will be insane with him and his childish attitude. And I am imune with that. That is why I still survive lives with him.

"Morning baby. Wanna have breakfast on bed or in kitchen?" He whispered in my ear. It was too early to wake up. And it was weekend. I was still sleepy. I need my cute sleeps.

"Fifteen minutes more!"

"No baby. Wake up now" he said in lovely voice.

"Ten minutes?"

"I made a breakfast for you"

"Five minutes, please?" I begged, still closed my eyes. It was hard to open it. It seems glued.

"Wake up na...."

"One minute"

"You wanna eat your breakfast or you want me to eat you as my breakfast?"

Okay, that was my cue. I got up and opened my eyes. Took the plate from his hand and ate the breakfast he made for me. It was omelette with his secret sauce. He never told me about the recipe. He said it was a magic from his love for me. Cheesy!

"Why you look so excited this early morning? Is something happening?"

"Nope, but will happen?"

"What will happen?"

He grinned then came close to my face. I leaned back my face. He said something with his low sexy tone.

"It is a secret, baby" And he winked at me. Okay, he was up with something and I felt like I should worry about it.

"I think I need to call ambulance just incase something will happen"

He laughed.

"Don't be silly, baby. This is something you really love"


"I love you too, but nope. Not me but something that related with me"

"Hmmmm... Okay?" I said, "So, are you sure you won't tell me?"

He nodded. I sighed. Okay, that is it. He wanna kill me with curiousity.

Then he jumped on top of me.

"Now, it is my time to have you as my breakfast" He winked.

Damn. Shit. Someone, please help me!!!


I was out in afternoon. Actually, he forced me to go out and left him alone at home, my home. Weird. Why he did that? I bet he was up for something!

I back after one hour walk around. Well, I got bored and I was dying curious about what he was doing.

He opened the door and he looked surprised at me. He wore apron.

"So, this is you are up? Cooking?"

"Can you walk for another hours? I haven't done and finish everything"

"Just let me help you"

"NO!!!" He screamed and made me startled.


"I love you" And he kissed me, "Please?"

"But...." He gave me puppy eyes look, "Fine. Just don't take too long. I feel bored"

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