[17] Why It Can't Be Me?

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This is Copper POV

We will throwback to the past when Oh blacked out in front of him


I was in the front of his dorm building. Inn told me where his building at. I came here, waiting for Inn. I wanted to have some chats with him.

While I was waiting him in my car, he called me. He told me to ask Oh himself for his number. I ran to his room and knocked it. He opened it. I saw him standing there look so shock. He asked me why I was there and I told him my reason.

I called him 'cute mushroom' as always because he look like mushroom in Mario Bros. He didn't like it. But he is so cute, I reasoned. He suddenly became unconscious. He fell down. I caught him. I held him.

Sun came and yelled at me. He pulled Oh to his side. He told us to stay away from them. He brought him to his room with Nam following behind.

I couldn't go home. I still worried about him. I wanted to know if he is okay. I waited in the first floor. I saw Sun came. He wanted to go out. I ran after him.

"Where are you going? How about Oh? Is he okay?"

He didn't answer me. He ignored me. He kept walking away. I kept following him and asked him again and again. He stopped. He stared at me.

"Why can't you just leave him alone?"


"Please, just leave him alone Copper. Stay away from him. I beg you" he begged me, "If you don't want to hurt him more"

He left me dumbfounded. I didn't understand what he said. How come I hurt him? Does my presence hurt Oh? But, how? Why? What Sun mean about that?

After that, the day after day, he disappeared. Oh never showed up in my day life. He was hiding from me. He tried to avoid me. Everytime I tried to meet him, I couldn't find him. I wanted to meet him. I missed him. I missed his presence in my life. My heart missed him so much.

I saw him talked to Peach near my dorm. I wanted to approach them. I wanted to run into him. I ran into him but when he saw me, he ran away. He walked away. My heart felt hurt. I got sting in my heart. The way he avoid me, hurt me alot. Does he hates me?

"Who is he?" I asked Peach, "The guy who was talking with you before?"

I knew he was Oh. I just wanted to open up a chit chat with her so I could know what they were talking about.

"That was the guy who we saw in our faculty before. He was cried and I hand him handkerchief, remember?" she told me, "His name is Oh!"

So, she already knew his name. How close Oh with her? I only knew the barely met. Only twice, maybe. But they seem so close. Am I thinking too much?

"What did you talked with him?"

"Nothing particularly. Just stuff, this and that. Why?"

"Nothing. Just curious" I replied, "Here!"

I hand her a book that she needed to borrow from me. She took it and thanked me. She smiled.

"Well, he is a nice guy by the way" she spoke up about Oh.

Don't you ever dare to like him, Peach. Don't you ever think to make him fall for you. He is mine! No one can have him but me. Oh is mine. Oh is for Copper only!


I saw him again at mall. Far away. He was talking with Peach again. I didn't know why but I didn't like it. My heart didn't like it. I wanted to take him away.

He was smiling at Peach. I didn't like it. I felt so jealous. I felt burning inside. I knew I don't have right to be jealous, but I can't help. The way he was talking and smiling to Peach made me jealous. I wanted he smiled at me only. That smile should me mine.

I saw him fainted. He fell down. I ran after him. I moved his head to my laps. I tried to wake him up. I called his name but he didn't move. I checked his breathing, still normal. I checked his heart beat, still normal.

"What happen?"

"I don't know" Peach answered, "He was standing there then he faints. I don't know what happen"

"Okay, it is okay Peach. Let me take care of him" I tried to calm her, "Can you help bring his stuff to my car?"

I lift him. I carried him in bridal style. I put him on the back seat. I let him laid down over there. I took him to my dorm. He still unconscious.

"Don't go!" he mumbled when I put him down to my bed. He was dreaming. I covered him. I wanted to call Inn for some helps. He held my hand. It made me stop moving. I looked at him. He still unconscious. I moved to laid down beside him. I held his hand. I cared his hair.

"I am here. I will never go from you!"

He seem to calm down. He look at ease in his sleep. His breath was calm. I stayed beside him for while to assure he was okay.

"What happen to you, Oh?" I sound like I asked myself, "Please don't be sick. Please don't make me worry about you"

"I hate see you you like this, Oh!" I kissed his forhead. He was smiling in his sleep. I loved his smiling. He had dimple when he smiles. It made him so cute. More cute than ever.

I got up after that. I went to bathroom, taking shower and get change. I back to him. I laid down beside him again. He was moving. His head was moving to the left and to the right for nnth times. He was breathing fast. I sat beside him. I held his hand.

"Don't go! Why did you go?"

"Hey, Oh. I am here!" I said, "I am here, Oh. I am not going anywhere. I promise!"

"Why did you go? Why you left me..." he mumbled in his dream, "Sun!"

My heart was hurted when I heard that name came out from his mouth. I never hate Sun. But, when that name came out from his mouth, I hated that name. I hated Sun so much. I didn't like it at all.

I tried to calm myself. I tried to calm him too. I pulled him closer. I buried him in my embrace. I told him if I will be there for him. I told him I won't go away from him. I told him I won't leave him. He seems calm down. His breath back to normal. His chest was moving normally.

I still hugged him like I never wanted to let him go. I wanted him knew if I really cared about him. I wanted him knew if I loved him. I wanted him knew about my feeling for him.

I stilk felt hurt when I remembered the way he called Sun in his dream. It hurted me alot. I could feel my eyes was watering. I cried in silent. I hugged him close, but I felt he was far away from me. His heart wasn't for me. His love is not for me. It hurts.

"Why it can't be me, Oh?" I said, "Why it can't be me who you love?"


Please be patient
I will make something clear in future chapter from Copper POV

Maybr not in next chapter but the next after that
It will start to be clear one by one


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