"Noooo you are!!!"

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Warning: the following musing is extremely random with no lesson whatsoever. If you are looking to learn something, please seek the learning channel or maybe hit up Dr.Phil. If not, then please sit back, relax and enjoy the awesomeness known as veil_24.

-Cue random flashing lights-

Oh well hello there! You actually stuck around (that means so much). So like I mentioned earlier todays musing doesn't really have a point to it (or maybe it does I don't know) but I realized something. Maybe you guys can relate to this one.

I really don't like compliments.

Why? Because every time someone compliments me I feel the urge to compliment them back (and if you don't know me that well then you should know then when I compliment someone I mean it sincerely). Not only do I feel like I have to say something back but I also get this vibe that they're expecting a compliment too. Now don't tell me I'm crazy because I know you guys had similar experiences. I'll tell you guys a story (story time! Story time!).

Back when I was still doing training at work, I had to work under this team member. She was really sweet and had a bubbly personality (basically everything I'm not). I was just standing there not really doing much and then all of a sudden she gawks and says "You know your reaaaaaaaaally pretty"




I ended up just standing they're saying "Alhamdulillah" to my self and thanking her for saying so. If any one of my close friends were there, they would see just how uncomfortable I was. I mean my body language was so stand offish and awkward I was hoping she'd understand but of course she didn't catch the hint. She went on giving me more compliments and as she said them I felt kind of bad for not saying anything back. I know that sounds strange but seriously! It's so awkward to just stand there and receive compliments! Truly it is. And if you're thinking "it can't get any more awkward than that!"

Guess what? It did

After she had finished she just stood there staring.

I'm not even exaggerating.

She just stood there, and stared like she was waiting for something. So picking up on her cue I compliment her eyes (cause as weird at it is to me to compliment someone's eyes...don't ask...she did have really pretty blue eyes). She smiled and got all happy and did something that I hate more than receiving compliments.

She denied them.


"Oh hey your really pretty mashallah!"

"Oh my goooooooosh noooooooo I'm noooooooot I'm sooo ugly"

Every time I hear someone say that I get this nagging feeling in my head like they're waiting for me to say they're prettier and go on further.

Truth is, I never do.

If someone says, "I'm ugly" I don't continue to stroke that ego. I either ask them to evaluate their confidence or to get their eyes checked, or say that their ugly. I know that sounds mean but I'm sorry! I really really, REALLY don't like it when people do that! If you think that your ugly then naturally everyone will thing so (fact!)

Like ok I know all of us have done that right? I'm not talking about us girls that'll say it when we actually feel all ugly or whatever. I'm talking about the girls who constantly deny compliments! Don't deny what someone has noticed. Why?

A) It's annoying

B) It's insulting (are you calling me blind? Is that why you say your not when I say you are???)

Now I know some of you might be thinking "Hey that's not fair! We don't like compliments what do we do?"

I don't know

Say Alhamdulillah

Do a Hijab flip (men too bad)

Practice your model walk


I'm kidding

Don't go sashaying now! HARAAAAAAAM

Ahem anywaaaaaays.

Back to my earlier thingy ma jiggy...

I really don't like compliments.

I guess its because I just naturally feel that all of Allah's creations are beautiful and don't really need to be reminded yenno? Like its sweet to notice things like beautiful features that's fine! Just don't go making me feel all uncomfortable especially when I don't have anything to say back.

And ladies I know some of you may be thinking that I'm some super girl with no insecurities but guess what I do have some.

I don't like my teeth. I don't like my eyes. And there are so many other things that I may not think are awesome but at the end of the day I learn to accept them. Sure my teeth aren't all that cute, but that's how they were supposed to be so no use mulling over it. Once you have that attitude, you'll be unstoppable (trust me, you'll be like mega hijabie! (Or super thobie to all you dudes out there).

So I guess what I'm trying to say (or spew) is that you may be someone like me who absolutely hates the idea of compliments but don't deny them and don't let those compliments inflate the ego of yours (because we all know modesty is smiled upon!). Instead, accept the fact that you're beautiful (whether you voice that externally is up to you) and say Alhamdulillah!

Were all creations of Allah right? Beauty is in our DNA! : D


I did a musing!! WOOT! Every time I do one I feel accomplished in some way. Strange? I think so! Anyways I can't thank you all enough for bearing with me here and continuing to read my works even though I'm not so reliable! Lets hope ill get into the groove of posting more often soon! :) Till then au revoir my beautiful readers!!

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