My Trip To Orlando

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So I'm back!!! And boy do I have a lot to tell you guys xD

Before I go in depth I just have to say how marvellous vacation. Although we didn't really have the time to kick back and relax (I'll explain later) I still had loads of fun. Now onto the vacation story!

Before I even entered the airport I had a feeling that one of my family members would be searched. Call it a hunch but I somehow knew. For what reason? Idk for being to gorgeous or something probably (like jeez I can't control that airport security!). Anyways so the person who ends up getting searched is yours truly -.-

The detector beeps and the lady approaches me explaining the I was selected for a "random" search. She then asks to speak with my mom and I give her this look like huh? She's like "oh sweetheart since your underage we need parental consent". I still give her this flabbergasted look like "uh I'm 18" an her and this other lady start chuckling (I probably missed the joke or something). The lady then says "oh my gosh I thought you were 12 you look so young! That's such a good thing!"


Did she just say I was 12?

Oh heck no -.-

Anyways, she then proceeds to "pat" me down. Can I just say those pats were more like rubs (Jeez lady lemme at least know your name before you run up on me like that sheesh :/). She asks permission when it came to touching my hijab which I had no problem (with though I was afraid my wild hair hiding underneath may have scared her just a tad).

After my search my family comes scrambling over bombarding me with questions and my sister then tells me her bag got searched (I don't know about you but having my luggage looked through is worse than the lady rub down xD).

Fast forward after waiting at the airports and taking 3 flights I finally land in Orlando.

My first impression?

Woah, this place is nice. I was so hot used to the humid air and the palm trees so it was refreshing to see a change of scenery from Canada's cold weather.

I get to the hotel and (being the nice girl that I am) offer to sleep on the couch. Big mistake because I ended up sleeping for 3 hours xD I kept waking up because I was too cold and uncomfortable (I know what your thinking, cold? What the heck your Canadian! But seriously sleeping in pajama pants and a tee with the AC blasting is dreadful!)

After that not so wonderful nights sleep we headed of to Disney World!

That place is so huge.

I should probably let you all know some of my pet peeves before I get into this.

1. I hate slow people

2. I hate crowds

3. I hate noise

Which is probably why I didn't enjoy my trip to New York an if it wasn't for Disney Worlds ambience I would've hated this trip as well. The amount of times I wanted to kick someone in the knees for abruptly stopping infront of me was to much to bear! Like seriously people! Don't do that!

Anyways, the magic kingdom was gorgeous (except for maybe the giant crane sticking out of Cinderella's castle...) I took six bajillion pictures and went on all the rides ( I even forced me sister to go on this mini roller coaster, she hates rides xD). We then got to the point where my sister wanted to take pictures with characters and there was only one character that I wanted a picture with:

Minnie Mouse xD

Gues what though? I didn't get a picture with the original Minnie mouse because the line was to dang long (as much as I love you Minnie your not worth standing in line for 70 minutes -.-).

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