Girl Talk

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Warning: the following musing will contain excessive description of a girls life (in detail). If you are uncomfortable with things like menstrual cycles and PMS I advise you to run for your life (especially if your a dude because I'm afraid this musing will disturb and strip away your masculinity). You have been warned.


Hello everyone! So I was just chatting up my best friend Hopemore talking about musing topics and other random things (the convos we have are far from normal xD). Anyways so my dear friend makes a comment on teenage girls needing a blush emoticon (LOl we do though!) and the idea hit me like "OMG". It was then that I decided to do a musing on girls!

Girls. Oh lawdy lord do we have it hard. Our hormones go on crazy roller coasters once a month, the media bombards us with what we should look like and our bodies are constantly changing. We have a lot of problems here ladies! Before I go into some of our "problems" I'd like to give you a brief experience on my life when I was younger.

I, sadly, "matured" at a young age. I remember being in gr.5 talking about periods and what they are and bla bla bla and at the time I was thinking "I don't need to know this, I'm 11!". Shockingly enough, I went home tired and feeling uncomfortable for some reason. I went into the bathroom and there it was. Even though we has just discussed this in school today, I went crazy. I ran out of the bathroom wailing about how I'm dying and that I needed an ambulance (it's quite hilarious looking back at it xD). My mother had heard me and pushed me into my sisters room and told her ya she'd have to explain what was going on. My sister doesn't really like to talk about this stuff so she denied and told my mom that she had to do it (my sister was 21 at the time, bless her in innocent soul xD). Anyways, so my mom basically explained (again) what was happening and how to use a pad and all that jazz but never told me why it was happening so I was hella confused. At the time I was like "but why does this happen? Do men have this too?".

I went to school feeling embaressed and discusting. I couldn't pray and I couldn't touch the Quran. I literally felt that because I had my period girls would know and make fun of me. Sure enough they did find out and they did give me weird stares like "oh my god" but other than that they didn't mind. I did though because boy oh boy does it feel uncomfortable and I don't know if it's just me, but I always feel like I smell awful even though no one can smell me xD. But ya anyways living with 3 younger sisters I knew what would happen xD. Everyone had it around gr 6, and everyone wailed about dying (omg I was dying xD). Wanting to ease my mom from that awkwardness that she had with me, I decided to take the responsibility of educating them about it. I told them everything they wanted to know (without scaring the hell out of them though) and explained how everyone goes through it at some point.

Aside from my personal experience I'm pretty sure all of you girls can agree with me on the fact that periods suck. As I grew up cramps got worse and hormones got crazier (omg id snap over things like touching my pillow or putting the soap a certain way). Not only that but pads bug the heck outta me. I always have to use a certain one or I get pissed off xD. I don't use tampons because a) Uh they hurt xD and

b) being the innocent girl that I was I had no clue what tampons were till like 15 and they still scared me like hell to the no! xD

When my monthly comes I always feel gross and stinky so I avoid everyone and you stand up and it's like Niagra falls down there! Ugh! I really do hate them xD

Periods aren't even the weird and awkward things that girls have to deal with, we have to deal with body changes. Our hips grow wider and we start growing breasts. Unlike the other girls that complain about fiting into a top I had no problem (alhamdulilah xD) but damn is it hard to find pants back in the day! XD

Still though that transition from kid to teen is hard for girls and girls make it worse for each other! Like I don't even understand it!

"My breasts are bigger, yours should be too by now"

"Ha your butt is to large, it should look like this"

Can I be honest here? Once you leave school, nobody gives a damn (and if they do, their insecure). Our bodies are meant to be that way based on our genes and height so if some girl tries to tell you different ask her why she feels that way (it always has to deal with insecurity issues or what the media blasts about women)

Speaking about the media, can they make it any worse?

"Girls should look tall and be thin to be considered beautiful" I guess I'm not beautiful then xD

But seriously if it wasn't hard enough, having the media constantly tell you what to look like makes it worse. I know a lot of girls struggle to fit in with what the media seems to be beautiful and it upsets me! Women are beautiful thick or thin, tall or short, to tell a girl at such a delicate age to look a certain way to me is like abuse! It's wrong and it shouldn't happen. What's worse is that girls done only have to deal with other girls or the media but with men as well.

Me, hell I didn't care what that crusty lil boy though about my flat chest ( I'd always be like "why are you even looking ya nasty!). Seriously though, this obsession with looking appealing for the opposite sex is another problem that girls go through (Muslim girls we have it easy here xD). To the non Muslim girls let me just say, if he doesn't think you look nice, move on to the next one. If he can't appreciate what God gave you then pfft that guy ain't worth it (and that's the truth).

I feel like it's just so hard for us sometimes only because at that age we care so much about what others think. We care so much about fitting in and looking nice that we reform to fit in (how many times have a heard girls talk about push up bras and stuffing! No honey! Who cares if your breasts are small! That's you! Sides nobody sees that at your age and if so then I need you to reflect on your life).

If that isn't bad enough imagine when were older. Who else is absolutely afraid of pregnancy (let me be honest here and raise my hand xD). Through all of the bad things though, girls I believe it something that we go through and something we can relate with each other about. Truly I believe that girls shouldn't be each other's enemies. We should get along! We shouldn't be picking on each other over this when we go trough the same thing! It's ridiculous. When will we see that we're all closely related in the way that we hate periods and obsesses over our bodies?

My true belief is that half of the problems that girls go through can be cut in half if we had the support of other girls. Think about it, if girls talked to each other about our girl problems wouldn't you feel somewhat normal? I would! Anyways enough with my rant here and let's get to my point which is:

Girls, we face so many hardships growing up but instead of teasing each other we should stand together and accept one another for it. In the words of Beyoncé (LOOL I can't believe I'm quoting her) "who run the world, girls!"

Hey all! So this was one if the raw unedited totally written off the fly musing that I totally enjoyed writing. Most likely since I'm typing on my phone there will be a lot of mistakes so please excuse them. What I want to see hopefully in the comment box is girls commenting about their honest opinions, experiences and hardships about how it is to be a girl (and of course only if your comfortable with that). I hope that this musing inspires girls to create bonds with one another (which I hope will happen :) cause c'mon girls we should be like a united front here). If you just want to talk me personally PM and I'll be sure to respond a soon as I can. Be sure to hit that beautiful star and vote an most importantly comment (whether it's constructive criticism or just random talk I always appreciate it) till my next musing y'all!

P.s I'm looking to start dedicating some of my musings to you lovely readers so look forward to it!

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