Mothers Have And Always will be Superheros

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        Have I ever mentioned how much it hurts when stuff gets into in your eyes? No seriously perfume bottles and soap should have warning symbols on them (Warning: This stuff can seriously burn).

        So today I decided to wash my mane (cause literally that's what it looks like) and I'm minding my own business. So I reach over for the shampoo and lather. Everything's going great.

But then, the second I rinse it out and get conditioner on my hands, my eyes start to burn!

        What's worse is that I can't even rub them because I have conditioner on my hands! So do you know what I do? I screamed "IT BURNS!" very loudly! (I'm joking I wish I did. I stood awkwardly making weird hissing noises until the pain subsided.

        I get out of the shower and notice afterwards that my eyes are red (great now I look like a psycho). Hold on to your seat folks because it gets worse.

        So I'm getting ready to go out with my mom and for some odd reason I spray a dab of perfume. Because of what happened in the shower, I made sure to check where the nozzle was. Can you guess what happens? Yes I spray my eyes! AND IT BURNED! (I think perfume hurts more than soap people but two experiences....).

This time I actually make a bit of noise and call my little sister over (she's 14) and pray that she can magically make the pain in my eyes subside.

So this is how our conversation went:

"I just sprayed my eyes can you help?"

"Oh sure no problem!" and she leans in

"Open your eyes" so I open them really wide.

        Guess what she does? SHE BLOWS INTO MY EYE! The pain went from like a level 6 to a level 9 folks. respond (rather furiously), "YOU IDIOT WHY WOULD YOU BLOW IN MY EYES" and she shrugs casually and says, "Oh I thought you said you had something in your eye so I tried to get it out". She was lucky I was leaving soon because I was going to go all Rambo on her.

        Anyways so I'm in the car with my Mom telling her about my horrible morning and she laughs at me (probably because I over dramatized just a tad bit). I give her this shocked expression like "MOM IT HURT" and she brushes her hand and says "Back home we know what real pain is not this little stuff".

        Mom I know you probably wrestled a few lions and fought a couple alligators but c'mon soap and perfume in the eyes on one day? Nothing tops that.

        On a more serious note and getting to the point of this musing is that moms are super tough. All these fictional super heroes with laser eyes and reading minds cannot compare to a mother's strength. My mom's a baker. She hefts 40kg of flour all day and mixes dough (did I mention she gets up at 3?) then she comes home and cooks and cleans, naps watches like 30 minutes of TV, listens to Quran then sleeps. The cycle repeats until her next day off. Even when she's off from work she's moving around cooking and cleaning. Like how is this possible?

        She always tells me how she learned to cook at age 8 and began caring for the house at like 10. I don't know about you, but that tops superman any day, I could not be able to do the things she does and keep calm (I'd be like a dragon and spit flames at innocent bystanders).

        She passes off her burns as "little mistakes" and keeps calm in every situation ALWAYS! Even when she's angry, it'll be like 50 seconds until she's serene again. SubhanAllah what a miracle this is! How fortunate we are to have mothers. Mothers who hold us for 9 months then tolerate all of our craziness.

        Of course there will be times when you fight or disagree but at the end of the day, no one loves you more. What's even more shocking is that I've never heard my mother complain, not once.

        She swallows her anger and continues her day. I always pray that I'll be like my mother, but honestly I could not be as good as she I don't believe it to be possible. She constantly gives but never receives. She'll be eating out of her plate and if one of my sisters asks for some, she'll give it away (Subhanallah I'm not even joking, right when I wrote that sentence she gave my sister a piece of salmon. The irony).

        Honestly, mothers set such high standards that I, as a female, dread the day of becoming a mother. Why? Because my mother is everything I'm not!

She's kind. I'm blunt

She swallows her anger. I explode

She's quite. I'm loud

She's generous. I'm not

And I know your probably thinking, "hey, don't think of yourself that way" but I'm serious!

        I remember, as a child growing up I believed mothers went to classes to learn to be good moms. I'd ask my mother if she got an A on her "niceness tests" and she'd nod like "You tell me".

        There were so many times that my mom could've gotten frustrated with me and just kicked me out but she never did. Being quite honest, I've never heard her wish the worst. It was always "I pray you are successful in this world and the one after".

        We tend to forget what a blessing it is to have mothers. Some people don't have a mother, or their mothers hate them (you think I'm joking but there are mothers who have a physiological problem that when they see their kid they hate them. I've even heard cases of mothers killing their children).

        Case and point, do this for me and yourselves and take two minutes to tell your mom you love her and appreciate them. My mom always glows when I help out around the house and she always tells me to "Steal the duaa".

        You guys are probably like "?"

        I have 4 sisters and 5 brothers, so all of us are in competition for duaa (it sounds silly but it works!) I can't imagine life without my mother, so I try and remember to thank her for everything she's done.

        Forget Superman and Batman, if I'm in trouble I'm calling my mom! They say that Jannah rests under your mother's feet. So if that's true, you better start kissing them!

- Veil_24

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