Forms Of Communication

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It's awesome, sure.

It's convenient, yes.

But am I the only one who thinks its kind of a hindrance? Am I the only one who still likes to talk on the phone whenever I'm able to instead of text?

I'll tell you why I say this.

Now-a -days from pre teens to the elder folk, people have a mini portable computer in their pockets known as a smart phone. Through this device, people are able to keep in contact constantly through social media and through text messaging. The idea of being able to talk to your loved ones is amazing and all but I feel that people are becoming to dependent on these smart phones.

How many times have you heard a 15 year old bash their parents for taking their phones away? I 'm not even blaming them here because it's addictive.

But back to my initial point: texting.

To clarify, this isn't a musing about texting being a horrible form of communication because truly it isn't. My main point of this musing is to address those that use messaging as their primary source of communication. There's only so much you can say to someone through texting this is why I'd rather meet the person face-to- face or even phone calls over texting and social network messaging. Now let me give you my reasons:

Reason Number 1: I'll text you back...eventually

When your sitting right in front of someone you know when there busy or need to do something else because they're right in front of you. Texting leaves this ominous feeling that your friend or whoever it is just doesn't want to talk to you. Just me? Maybe its because most of the time (and I said most not all) ill respond to a text message pretty quickly. The only time I ever leave a message for days is if I'm really busy with something else like school or work. So when someone takes like 4 days to respond I get this "oh my god they read my message and now they're ignoring me!!! A PLAGUE BE SET ON THY FAMILY!" I'm joking that's crazy xD but still! I understand that people are busy duh we all are but I'd rather just arrange a time to hang out then wait a couple more days for a "k" or "lol" which brings me to my next point

Reason Number 2: The most ridiculous replies

When I'm talking to someone I want to have a conversation. Rarely, if ever, will I reply with just "lol" because if I do that I'm not lol-ing I'm just busy or I don't want to talk right now (now you know xD). Most of the time it'll be like "lol" send message then "SO ANYWAYS fosidjifojisjiogjvksmldjfoijroijtioj -insert long message-." Speaking of lol I need to get rid of that habit because its lost it's meaning. When I actually do laugh out loud no one will know because lol is over abused. Anyways that's one problem another problem is when I write an extremely long paragraph like I'm genuinely making an effort to have a conversation with you and all I get is:



The letter K

K as in Potassium? Did you want to tell me the molecular mass of Potassium? Is that why you said k?


You should never



Just respond to me with "k" because the message you'll get back is "g" for GOODBYE!

Reason Number 3: Were best friends! . but only through texting/social media

To the people who have social media websites do you find yourself talking to someone for hours on end but then you see them in person and pretend not to know them? That bugs me! I don't get it! You've spent hours chatting at home yet the person is literally sit righting in front of you and you pretend that they don't exist. People (especially teenagers) deliberately avoid the chance to talk to someone because it's much easier to talk through messaging. It's gotten to the point where people will profess their love for one another but when the meet in person its like

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