Kids These Days

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Is it just me, or have any of you realized that as the years progress, kids are getting crazier? Maybe it’s just where I live or it’s a global thing but man oh man was it happening to this generation!

So yesterday I went out with my mom to do a bit of shopping and pick up Slurpee for my sisters (I know its like Antarctica outside but c’mon we were all craving a Slurpee) and I didn’t really feel like going into the store.  So instead of going inside, I opted to staying inside of the car. That’s when I noticed this young girl about the age of 12 or 13 lingering around the stores entrance. My first thought is that this girl must be freezing because all she’s wearing is a thin hoodie and ripped skinnies (her hair barely covered her ears). She looked like she was shivering and I could see her breath. But what I saw wasn’t her breath ladies and gentlemen. In her hand we, yes, a cigarette. I was so tempted to roll down my window and be like “HEY YOU DON’T YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT IS”? But of course that would be completely inappropriate (besides, I usually say that people should live their lives the way the want to). After a few minutes of awkward stares and twiddling my thumbs, her friends come out of the store. They walk right in front of my mom’s car and talk about something I wish I didn’t hear.

“Hey I heard that he’s selling some man! #$%@ It was such an amazing deal! I would #$%#^ recommend that %$^& to you because once its rolled and lighted it’s the @#@&% ^%&#$!”

Oooh I was seething at that moment. These kids looked like something off of the Disney Channel and here they were talking about weed? WHAT?

What on earth has happened to our youth?

I remember when I was younger (I’m not an old fart you guys I’m 17 turning 18 soon Inshallah) I used to watch the Little Mermaid and reenact the “Part Of Your World” scene (was that just me or?) I didn’t really know what “weed” was till grade 6 (sadly because half of my classmates smoked it). Can I just point out that smoking is a disgusting habit? I know many of us have relatives or friends who smoke and you’ll most likely agree that A) it stinks and B) it’s costly. Anyways back to my point, why are these little kids (well their little to my eyes) smoking? Do you know what’s worse? I remember watching a talk show on teen pregnancy. Eight girls ranging from 12 to 17 came on the stage to talk about their pregnancies (you saw those numbers correctly). This 14-year old girl was 6 months pregnant on her (pause for a breath) second child (I repeat second child). Now I’m thinking “second? There shouldn’t even be a first”! Even kids who are my age act all crazy. I don’t know if its just me, but I like hanging out with individuals who are either older, or value their morals and beliefs. I don’t like hanging with other 17 year olds who are to busy being “popular” or critiquing everybody else (talk about a lame person to hang out with!)

Honestly, kids who lack discipline are the ones doing these kinds of things! Parents you’re job is to help you’re child and be knowledgeable on what their doing! On another TV show, this woman was going on about how crazy and wild her child became and how angelic she was when she was younger. Excuse me lady? But weren’t you the one who gave birth to her? So who’s responsibility was it to teach you’re child how to behave? News flash, YOURS! Like jeez its irritating when parents are all “woe is me my child is insane and its not my fault” like are they that ignorant? It is your fault! As parents their job is to be there for their children! Not “when the going gets tough, blame everyone but yourself!” What I also don’t understand is why some parents don’t take responsibility over their mistake! “It’s Jimmy’s fault!” or “Its that darn media” (or maybe it’s the mail man? or the old grandma with 27 cats? Or maybe even Harry Potter with his patronas spell!?!.... Ya right).

See but who was the one that let Jimmy hang out with you’re child? You did. Who was the one that let you’re child watch a particular TV show, read a certain magazine etc. You did? So instead of picking out every excuse in the book please just take responsibility! (And I’m not talking about all parents, only some)

Now that doesn’t mean that parents should be all “undercover break all boundaries of trust” and ransack their child’s belongings (because that gives them an even better excuse to rebel). Wasn’t there a time when parents and children could sit down and discuss their problem? Yes there was, so why can’t we go back to that instead of choosing the easy way of sneaking and betrayal. Now all the blame isn’t only on the parents, peers share partial blame.

 Ever heard the saying “Nobody wants to be bad all by themselves”? There is so much truth to that saying. Kids who are “bad” or wild like to seek out others so they feel “normal”.  I honestly don’t care if a child is 12, they should know how to avoid “bad” people.  

 Now as much as I want to throw these kids into physiatrist offices for doing such crazy things I can't do (oh but I want to). Since we will be the parents of tomorrow we should be thinking about what you would want your children to be like. Also if you want your children to behave a certain way, we (as the future parents of tomorrow) should be the best role models we can be! Hopefully by doing so, our future children we’ll be the one’s saying “Oh kids these days, Alhamdulillah I know better!”

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