The pack breakfast ~ Chapter 18

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Jordan and I walked to the elevator and waited for it to open. As we walked in, all I could think of was what his pack would think of me.

"Nora, they are all going to love you,"  Jordan said while noticing my nervousness.

I just smiled, unsure of what to do.

The elevator door opened, but it wasn't the floor we had to get off on. Instead, someone got on. It was a buff guy, who almost looked like an exact replica of Jordan.

"Hey Jordan," the guy said.

"Hi Zach. This is my mate Nora," Jordan said while grabbing me around the waist in a protective style.

"Well hello Nora. I'm Jordan's twin Zach. I'm the nicer one of us both," he laughed.

I laughed. "I bet you are," I said honestly.

Jordan grunted.

Just then, the elevator door opened and all of us got out.

"Zach, I would prefer if you walked in front of Nora," Jordan said.

"You afraid that I'm enjoying my view too much?" Zach questioned. Then I got why Jordan said what he had said.

Jordan growled turning around. Then he pushed me to the side of the hall nearly knocking me to the ground.

"I swear to god, Zachary. Don't make me hurt you or I will fu-"

"Okay! Enough!" I interrupted before he could start swearing or fighting.

"Today is supposed to be a nice day so just stop. You can't go one day without fighting I swear!" I screamed at Jordan.

"You don't care if he is checking you out?"Jordan asked disgusted.

"Come on, really? I don't want to fight tod-"

"Whatever, Nora. You started this you hypocrite." Jordan said and walked away.

I just stood there shocked. In literally two seconds things had turned really bad.

"Told you I'm the nice one," Zach said smirking.

I turned and gave him a dirty look. "You provoked him knowing that it would start something. Take me to the pack breakfast now." I commanded.

He just stood there picking at his nails then he looked up.

"Follow me, princess." he said while walking away.

"Do not call me that."

"Yes master," he said jokingly.

We walked down a few hallways and into a huge dining room. It had a long table that looked mile long, no joke.

Sitting at the head was Jordan.

"Oh I'm just so glad you could join us, Nora and Zach." he said so that only Zach and I could detect his sarcasm.

The whole pack was staring at us. Oh my gosh this is embarrassing was all I could think.

I went and took a seat by Jordan while Zach sat right across from me.

"Well, hello everyone. I'm so happy to finally start breakfast 20 minutes late," Jordan said again in a way that only Zach and I knew what he meant.

"This is my mate, Nora. Nora stand up." he said while strictly whispering the last part so only I could hear it.

By now I'm pretty sure my face was beet red. I just waved to everyone when I stood up. Then Jordan sat down, and I followed in suit.

Everyone just started eating and talking. I couldn't eat, though. I was too upset.

"Nora, eat." Jordan said.

I just sat there.

"You going to offend the pack if you don't eat." Jordan whispered.

"Oh so you care about me offending your pack, but you don't care about offending me and making me upset? Who is the hypocrite now?" I asked.

"Don't start with me being a hypocrite. Just eat." he commanded.

I huffed. He better apologize later or he will be sorry.

I put a pancake on my plate and started eating it. It tasted scrumptious. I ate that pancake and then an orange without talking to anyone the whole time.

About an hour passed before everyone started leaving and cleaning the table off.

I decided that since I didn't want to see Jordan, that I would help clean up. I walked into the kitchen to see if there was any help needed there.

I found out that Jordan instructed everyone to not let me do any work. That douche bag doesn't get to make my decisions for me.

Everyone was dead set on doing everything themselves, though.

I walked to the nearest elevator determined to ignore Jordan  no matter what.

I got out of the elevator on my floor and walked to my room and opened the door. Jordan was no where to be found. I took it as a good sign, so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

I walked over to where I left my phone. I turned it on and saw I had a message.

Where r u? ~Jordan

I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

Walking over to my closet, and chose out nike pro shorts and a sports bra so I could go run on the treadmill in the exercise room.

I grabbed headphones from my nightstand and a water bottle from the mini fridge. Then I walked out of the door and into the elevator.

I hit the button that said exercise room and waited.

The elevator opened right into the exercise room, so I just walked in.

I got on the first elevator I saw, not caring about the other people, or should I say werewolves, in the room.

As I was running, everyone cleared out and left. Weird.... but I continued running on the treadmill.

About five minutes later, all the power shut off, and there were no windows in the room. So, it was pitch dark.

I got off the treadmill, took a sip of water, and went to the elevator. I clicked the button to make it open, but the elevator wasn't working either.

"Fudge!" I yelled, knowing the only thing left to do was to call Jordan.

I got out my phone ready to call Jordan when someone said, "I would not do that if I were you."

I jumped, scared. I turned around to see two glowing green eyes.

The voice seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"In about 30 seconds, you're going to pass out because I spiked your water with a drug. Panicking won't do any-"

"Jordan!" I screamed.

"Jordan help!!!" I screamed even louder.

"Shut up! Maybe you should've answered him back when he texted you. He was only trying to help," the anonymous person with a smile in their voice.

"3.......2........1. Goodnight, Nora," he or she said.

Then I fell, hitting my head off of something hard, maybe the ground. But in less than two seconds, I passed out.

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