Shocking news ~ Chapter 15

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I stood up out of the chair so fast that it fell backwards. My parents fringed.

"Why am I here!?" I screamed at them, demanding an answer.

"Nora! Sit down now! You do not get to run away with the enemy and then come back like nothing happened! Jeez," my mother said.

I started laughing hysterically.

"You think I had a choice to come back here? Ha wow! And what do you mean, 'enemy'?" I asked.

"You ran away with a werewolf! With freaking Alpha Jordan!!! Did you not think we would find out?" my father said, his face turning red with anger.

"First of all, how do you people know about the supernatural world?" I asked.

"Nora, if I have to say sit down one more time-" my mother started before I interrupted.

"I was not talking to you! Why don't you go do drugs or something, like you always used to. Anyways, even if you did command me to sit down, I would not listen since you are not my guardian anymore," I said in a matter of fact way.

Not my parents' faces were hilarious. They looked so shocked.

Then both of my parents nodded. I guess the vampires took that as a sign to put me in the chair and strap down my arms to the desk.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

They just laughed. Then they strapped in my remaining left arm and walked away.

My parents stepped up the desk.

"You gonna tell me how you know about supernaturals now?" I asked.

They both looked at each other. "You can tell her, sweetie," my mother said to my dad.

"Okay, so I hope your stupid brain can process this. I am a vampire. And this lady over here, is a banshee. I was turned into a vampire, and she was cursed by a witch. That means, that we know all about the supernatural world."

"Okay first of all, your lucky this desk isn't opened at the bottom, or else I would have kicked you. And second, that doesn't explain why you called Jordan an enemy," I said solemnly.

My father turned to my mother and said, "She really is dumber than we thought."

My mother just cackled.

"Well Nora, since I am a vampire, I am enemies with the werewolf. That is why we are going to ask you for their weak points. If you give us false answers or decide not to answer, there will be punishments. Okay?" My father asked.

"No, not okay. Jordan is my mate and-"

"What did you just say!?" my mother screeched.

"Jordan is my mate?" I asked unsurely.

Both of my parents started laughing hysterically.

"Even better," my father said.

"This changes the questions up a bit!" my mother yelled.

My father just laughed. "Should we tell her about the thing?" my father asked my mom.

"Go ahead, honey. I cannot wait to see the expression on her face!"

They both laughed again. Their laughing is unbelievably annoying.

"Okay, so this may or may not come as a shock to you, but before we start the questioning, we need to tell you something important," my father dragged on.

"Just spit it out already!" I screamed.

"Your mother and I are not your real parents."

"What?" I asked in shock.

"That's right, not even your real parents wanted you," my father smirked.

Just then, my eyesight got really blurry as if I was going to cry. But then, I started seeing red spots. What was happening!?


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