Only the millionth fight ~ Chapter 34

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We stayed kissing for a while. I didn't even know how long. But the kissing was great, incredible actually. I couldn't even describe it. All I know is, it felt way greater than the first kisses we had.

As we were on the ground, kissing and whatnot,  Jordan got up and ran out of the room abruptly.

I just stayed laying down on the flood, staring at the ceiling. My fingers lingering on my swollen lips, I just thought about kissing him more.

But then I realized, he did just get up and run away. I sat up, finally out of my hazy stupor, and had many thoughts running through my mind.

Why did he just up and run? Does he not like kissing me? Am I that bad of a kisser?

All these questions wracked my brain as I got up, ready to go find Jordan. I ran up the stairs, determined to find out his problem.

"Jordan," I yelled as I was finally on the second floor, where our room was.

Without and answer from him, I walked down the hallway, expecting to find him in the bedroom.

"Jordan," I spoke as I opened the door.

Standing in the doorway, I saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. His head was in his hands, and his elbows on his knees.

I started toward him, but didn't get more than two steps in before he spoke.

"Nora, turn around, and walk out, slowly," Jordan commanded. His voice had changed. It was more powerful, making me feel like I had to obey.

But I didn't obey. Instead, I did the complete opposite and kept walking forward.

"Nora! Leave now! I am not in control," he roared, even more powerful than before.

I stared at him until he looked up at me. I gasped. His eyes were blood red. His canines were sticking through his teeth. I could see veins sticking out from his neck and arms, and he kept twitching.

"Do not run, whatever you do, do not run," he told me. It was kind of hard not to run, though.

I just stood still trembling. I was being such a baby, but there was a werewolf, holding back his transformation in front of me.

It was pretty freaking freaky.

"I, I.. I.. Ahhh!" I screamed and did the worst thing I could. I ran.

I ran down the hall screaming bloody murder, continuing down the stairs, I almost made it out the door.

But something happened. Yes, Jordan caught up to me. But he was not his normal self. Nope, he was in his wolf form. This may not have been the first time I have seen him like this, but it still added to my panic stricken mood.

As I was trying to unlock the door, Jordan smashed into it. Completely breaking it. I fell to the ground from the impact.

I started fastly crawling away, frightened. I was never even this scared when I got kidnapped. I just feared for my life way more now than ever before.

Soon, I made it to a bathroom, without being caught. I could see the door breaking from Jordan slamming into it.

"Jordan!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the door split into millions of little pieces.

I stood in the corner, watching him walk closer to me, still on four legs.

"Jordan!" I screamed again. He tilted his head sideways before stopping.

I breathed heavily. His wolf was changing to a skinnier form, before it was actually a human Jordan standing in front of me, completely naked.

"What the hell, Nora! I seriously told you not to run. You are so extremely lucky that nothing happened to you. It was just luck that you weren't hurt, killed, or anything else. Next time, listen to me," he shouted at me, scolding me.

"It is harder than you think not to run when there is a monster in front of you!"

His expression changed to a sharper one, a more uninviting one.

"I am absolutely not fighting with you right now, or this whole week. If you have nothing nice to say, do not say it. You should know by now my temper is one you won't want to mess with."

I just rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom. I obviously had nothing nice to say. Goodness we need counseling.

Whispering cuss words at him I walked around to find a living room. Once finding it, I sat down on a couch and started watching television.

I can't stand Jordan sometimes. He treats me like a child, but I give him so much attitude and rudeness that I guess I don't blame him.

I sighed and took out my phone. No messages, of course.

I decided I would message Chris, just to see what's up.

Hey Chris. I texted.

About a minute later, he texted me back.

What's up Nora? How's it going down there?

I snorted. Haha just freaking great :)

I know that is sarcastic, you and Jordan fought for the millionth time didn't you?

He knew me too well. Of course he knew we fought because he knows he fight all the time.

Yes, we did :/ He makes me so mad, but I make him mad to so it equals out. Lol.

Nora, try to behave. Please, just for your safety. Jordan is an alpha, so it is harder to control shifting for him. Tell me everything when you get back to the house.

Chris, I'll be fine jeez. Anyways I will behave and also tell you everything. I am guessing you're busy?

Yes, just a little, you should also get some sleep.

Okay I will, night Chris.

Night Nora.

Chris felt like a therapist for me sometimes. Just the littlest things like talking to someone made me feel a bit better.

I locked my phone and set it beside me.

"Ugh!" I screamed into a pillow.

Night one at the cabin with Jordan : terrible.

Laying down across the couch, I relaxed a bit. A television was going but I wasn't paying attention, just wondering were Jordan was.

I turned over and tried closing my eyes. That night, I slept very fitfully.


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