Way too much fighting ~ Chapter 8

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Pure fury was in Jordan's eyes. All I could think of was how am I going to get out of this one?

"You can all go home now!" Jordan barked out at the wolves. They all turned around and sprinted away.

Shoot. They were my only hope of being saved.

Jordan pulled me up by my upper arm and started dragging me across the grass, not to mention the sticks and sharp things that were in the grass cutting my knees.

"Let.me.go! "I screamed trying to tug out of his hold.

Jordan stopped completely and let me go so I fell to the hard ground. He turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"Let you go. Let you go? Let you go!? You think that I will just let you go!? "he yelled out and started laughing hysterically.

I huffed and pulled myself off the ground. I started walking away.

"Where do you think you're going?" he yelled at my back.

"Away from you you psycho!" I screamed flipping him off.

I took off sprinting as fast as I could for fear that he would catch me and hurt me.

I turned around to see no one there. But as I was turning back around, I hit into a tree. At least I thought it was a tree. I rubbed my forehead and kicked the tree with all me might screaming,"You stupid tree!"

Suddenly, the tree grabbed me by my upper arms. My voice screamed so high pitch, I didn't even know it was possible. It is kind of scary for a tree to pick you up if you know what I mean.

I looked up to see Jordan holding me by my arms. What is with this boy!

"Stop touching me! NOW! Put me down!" I screamed kicking at him. He just would not stop grabbing me, jeez.

His eyes turned black and he shoved me against a tree.

"You are mine. That means since you are my belonging, I can hold, touch, and do anything I want with my belongings," he growled.

"That means I can do this," he said before taking a needle and stabbing it into my neck.

"Sweet dreams Nora," I heard him whisper.


When I woke up, I had a killer headache. I went to sit up but found out I couldn't. Literally, I wasn't chained down or anything, I was paralyzed.

"What the actual f*** JORDAN!" I screamed l, extremely angry.

But then something made me even angrier. First of all, I heard footsteps walking leisurely up the hallway, but that wasn't just it. It was that I heard chuckling also. Now it wasn't just one person. Nope, it sounded like a few people.

Then Jordan walked in the door.

"Babe, you have visitors," he smirked before three other people walked into the room. All the while I was laying in bed immobilized.

"These are my friends, Casey, Carter, and Carlee. Their names all begin with C so I hope you can comprehend who they are," he said really slowly like I was a child.

I knew Carter already, but I didn't know who the two girls were.

"Stop talking to me like I'm a child, you idiot. I'm going to kill you when I can move again. You better f***ing watch out!" I yelled at him.

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