Help from Leo ~ Chapter 54

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"Oh my gosh." I rushed over to the girl in the bed. My fingers worked frantically to unstrap all the wires from her body.

"Stop! You have to run! He will kill you!" She cried out.

She began thrusting her body upwards so I could not get a hold of her. I was only trying to help her.

"I am not leaving here without you, so stop!" I yelled in a hushed tone.

She stopped and looked viciously at me.

"Leave me alone, I do not need your help," she growled at me.

I smiled sarcastically at her. "Well you are going to get it anyway," I said before I resumed pulling the wires out of her.

This time, she did not bother to protest. Instead she fell limp and allowed me to help her. It more looked like she was out of energy.

By the time I was done, the girl had many different wounds seeping small amounts of blood. I was out of breath, too.

I helped her sit up. She was super pretty. Long brown hair and blue eyes complimented her high cheekbones. She looked frail and skinny, but she was still beautiful.

"Listen, I am going to get you out of here. So follow me, and do what I say. Come on," I said.

I started towards the door before turning back. She was still sitting on the bed.

"You are so stupid," she laughed dryly.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked confusedly.

She got off the bed and limped slowly towards me.

"You are not actually his mate. You do not understand the pull I have to him. I will die if I am away from him for too if he would not find me first," she snorted.

"I already know all this. So actually, stay here. I'll be back," I told her.

Before she could get a word in, I ran out into the hallway and closed the door. I skipped the elevator and hopped down the stairs. I skipped as many stairs as I could and ran as fast as my legs would take me.

When I finally got to the outside of my room, I stopped abruptly. I was breathing heavily and I was sure my hair was disheveled. I took a deep breath and patted down my hair before stepping into the room.

I looked around. Jordan was still not in the room. This meant I had a few minutes of time. I hurried into my closet and flipped on the lights.

My fingers brushed over the clothes as a ripped a few different things down. I put on black sweatpants over my shorts and a black jacket over my shirt. I put my phone in my pocket, and I grabbed some black clothing for the girl upstairs.

I shoved them under my jacket and quietly made my way back upstairs. Without seeing even one person, I got to the room. I threw open the door harshly.

She was sitting on the bed waiting for me. I threw her some clothes and turned as she changed.

I took out my phone and looked for a certain contact name before putting the phone up to my ear.

It rang for a few seconds before someone picked up.

"Hello?" His husky voice answered. It sounded just like he had just woken up.

"I need your help, Leo," I said. I bit on my thumbnail waiting for an answer. My nervousness was outweighing my confidence in him.

He cleared his throat. "Anything," he responded.

I breathed out in relief. "Um I know it is the middle of the night and everything and I know you probably just woke up and that you-"

"Nora, what is it that you need," he asked, concerned.

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