Waking up ~ Chapter 27

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Jordan POV

"Sir, we have landed," someone said, gently shaking my shoulder.

I opened my eyes, focusing them to see the pilot, Jeff.

"Oh thank you, Jeff," I said sitting up.

Grabbing my luggage I started walking towards the exit of the jet.

"Oh wait," I said turning around to Jeff.

Taking out a thick amount of cash, I handed it to him. He took it reluctantly, seeing as it was quite a bit of money.

"Woah, I wasn't going to charge this much, but thanks. Get home safely."

"Your welcome, thank you also. And you get yourself home safely, too," I said walking out of the jet.

Jeff nodded and waved, closing the doors. I waved back and turned around.

Walking back to the airport, I texted Chris and told him I landed.

I was quite nervous Nora wasn't going to forgive me. Do I tell her about kissing the other girl? Or do I leave it in the past?

If I tell her, she won't be happy whatsoever.

I was completely swarmed with thoughts as I entered the airport.

I called a cab to go home. Once in the cab, I gave the driver directions.

With every mile I got closer to the house, I got more nervous. I was not ready to face Nora.

My phone buzzed, and it was Chris.

Dude, you better hurry up because she is waking up.

I should be there in like 30 seconds.

I shut my phone off as the guy pulled into the driveway. Giving him a good amount of money and thanking him I got out of the cab, and ran into the house.

I dropped my stuff as soon as i entered the door and ran towards the hospital room. Before I even got there I heard yelling.

"Christopher, step back and put it down or I will stab you!" I heard an angelic voice say.

"Nora, put the scissors down and no one will get hurt!" Chris yelled back.

Before Nora could reply I got to the room and pushed the door open so fast it slammed against the wall hard.

"Nora," I breathed.

Nora POV


Something woke me up. I sat up alarmingly quick while opening my eyes.

I watched as Chris bench down and picked up his phone. As he stood back up, he saw I was awake.

His eyes widened and he took a step back from the bed I was in.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You little arse," I spoke at him, standing up. I was still mad he drugged me.

He turned around and grabbed a needle. Not happening again.

I ran over to one of the drawers and grabbed the first object I saw. Scissors.

I slammed the drawer shut and turned around.

Pointing the scissors at him, I yelled, "Christopher, step back and put it down or I will stab you!"

He inched his way backwards.

"Nora, put down the scissors and no one will get hurt!" he yelled back.

Just as I was about to say something, the door hit the wall.

I turned to see the one and only, Jordan.

"Nora," he breathed my name.


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