I hate babysitters ~ Chapter 37

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I was conflicted between turning around and facing a possible killer, or running away. Usually I would choose the latter choice, but right now was about finding Jordan.

Pivoting around to face whomever was behind me, I got ready to face the worst.

It was a really tall, buff dude with a bald head. The guy did look dangerous but, I just knew or some odd reason that he wouldn't hurt me...I hope. But really, worst thing about him was the snake tattoo on his muscly biceps and his mean facial expression.

"Yes I am looking for Jordan. Who might you be?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"You can think of me as your babysitter," he said while crossing his arms also. It seemed like he was trying to make me afraid of him, but that didn't quite work.

"I don't find you intimidating," I told him in a matter of fact way.

"Do you want me to make you find me intimidating?" he asked, his facial expression never changing.

"Ummm.... well, what would that involve?" I asked, figiting with my hands.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out."

That was enough for me to back out.

"Okay let's not...but let's talk about the location of Jordan," I spoke, changing the subject.

"What about it?" he inquired.

"Where is he?"

"He is relaxing at a bar right now. He said he has too much on his mind. If anything, I would say that you drove him to drink," he said, walking around the room, looking at pictures hanging on the wall.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"You are excused."

"Okay arsehole, why don't you take me to him?" I questioned while putting my hands on my hips. This dude is getting on my nerves.

"Go make yourself some food or something. He will be back in a while," the guy answered and walked over to the couch, putting his feet, with boots still on, on the coffee table. Then he put on the TV to a channel he probably liked.

"This isn't your house," I said, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.

"No duh, my house is quite nicer than this junkyard."

"Oh really?" I snorted. This house was one of the nicest I have ever seen in my life, so I highly doubted his previous statement.

"Yes really," he mocked me in a girly high voice.

"How about you listen here. I want you to get your disgusting feet off of that coffee table, and I want you to take back your last little comment about this house. You got that, birdbrain?" I asked getting angry. This guy just walked into this house and acted like he owned it. Not happening.

"Nah," he said scratching his face.

"What did you just tell me?"

"I said no, so leave me the hell alone. Jeez, and you wander why he runs away."

"Of course, everything is always my fault," I said, hurt.

"Now you're catching on, can you make me a sandwich or something?" he asked then burped.

I sighed and turned around, walking to the kitchen.I was definitely not making him a sandwich. I was going to make myself one, though.

As I got out the bologna, ketchup, and rye bread out, I realized something.

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