Chapter 11

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"There's just one thing I wanted to say. If you want to kill me like everybody else. Please let me finish my mission and I assure you I would let you kill me" Jiyeon said and started to cry.

I'm still so shock about this revelation. I don't hold a grudge against any Guardian of Death but....this is the first time I met one and I just....don't know what to think about them but apparently Jiyeon happens to be my friend so it's really hard for me to figure it out whether to be mad or just understand her.

Thinking about it deeply, if I was her I would've done the same thing. So I don't think being mad is quite reasonable.

Heol. I'm a very open-minded person for a Guardian of Discord.

Jiyeon is Guardian of Death and though it's slightly different in Eunjung's case I could tell that they're somehow in the same situation but.....

Guardians of Death have far more bad reputation than the Guardians of Love. I don't know what that supposed to mean but that's at least what my parents told me..... that actually they not supposed to tell.

The truth is... The council was trying to erase Guardians of Love and Guardians of Death in the minds of future generations and for what reason? That is such a complex thing that I don't understand.

If that's their plan from the start why do they let Eunjung live?

They seized all the books that contain deeper knowledge about the Guardians of Death and Love so these generations mostly know general knowledge about them. Some books speak very little about them and elders were not supposed to discuss further about this topic to their children.

Looks like the council is hiding something from everyone.

Now, back to Jiyeon. I don't know what mission is she talking about but she said she's willing to die after she accomplished it.

She must've been keeping bigger secrets than her identity but to be honest, I don't think she's a bad person.

"Qri.....Does Qri knows?" I ask and she shook her head.

So she's also keeping everything from her vampire family.

"Aside from Grandma. You're the first one to know." She said.

"It must been hard for you to live knowing that everyone wants to kill you. Even the family you grew up with." I said and tap her shoulder.

It must've been really hard for a Guardian to grew up with vampires. Not just because they might kill her if they found out the truth she also needs to get used to their way of living. I mean, like drinking blood.

It's the most disgusting thing for a guardian.

"Don't worry about it. Your secret is safe with me" I said assuring her.

Jiyeon is not a bad person but I still need to be careful. Some rumors about them could be true and I still don't know what mission is she talking about.

"Hey, let's go back to the cottage and get this done." I said.

We stayed longer in here than we should be.

We might be late for class but not that I do care about it. The worst is that we didn't eat lunch yet.

"How will you do this?" I ask her.

"I don't know how to do this but let me try talking to the lost soul" She said.

"Eh?? How come you didn't know how to do it?" I ask.

Ms. Matchmaker's Perfect Match (Eunyeon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang