Chapter 5

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I'm walking around the school searching for one particular person.

I just came up with a wonderful idea and I'm proud of myself for it.

I may not be as smart as the guardians of wisdom but I still can be considered smart.

Oh there she is!

I finally found her with a girl wearing and carrying all black stuffs but nonetheless that girl is still pretty.

"Hey Eunjung!" I called her out while running towards their direction.

They both stop and curiously look at me.

"Soyeon-ah" Eunjung said.

"Wow. You're not late today Soyeonnie" Jiyeon said to me.

"Yup. I'm looking forward to see you too Jiyeonnie" I said joking at her and she just raised an eyebrow to me.


Jiyeon is my classmate and I notice that she always stare at me in a weird way. Not in a bad weird way but I'm not sure if it's good either.

It's like there's something in me that she don't understand.

Well, me being a guardian is out of the question. She's a mortal and I'm sure she have no clue about guardians. How did I know that?...that is because mortals thinks that it's all fantasy.

"Why do you wanna see me?" Jiyeon curiously ask.

"Because you are very pretty!" I said and pinch both her cheeks lightly.

She just give me this boring expression like she's telling me that I'm not buying your excuse

Eunjung laughs.

"She's not pretty Soyeonnie. Stop kidding" Eunjung said.

She's joking too......I think.

"SHUT UP STUPID CUPID!" Jiyeon angrily said and hurriedly walk away from us.

"Stupid Cupid? Why is she calling you that Eunjung?" I ask and found Eunjung who seems regretting what she said to Jiyeon.


"It's because I'm a matchmaker. She calls me cupid or witch to tease me" She explained.

"So she knows you-re a gu-"

"She doesn't" She said not even letting me to finish.

"I see...well, I wanted to see you coz I have a business partnership offer to you" I said and grin.

"Huh? Business partnership? I'm not sure if I'm good at those things. Besides people hate me. I might drag your business down" She said.

"A total lack of confidence in yourself. Well, I can't blame you on that BUT....there is no other person qualified to this business other than you" I said.

"Huh? What do you mean? What kind of business is that?" She curiously ask.

"Actually. We will take your matchmaking business to the next level!" I said.

She just look at me and blink few times.

"Next....level?...I don't get it Soyeon-ah" She said still in confusion.

I sighed.

"We will be partners. That means I will be the one searching customers for you and you will do the job. I know you have set your own rules in doing this but hear me out...If anything goes wrong I will use the power of discord to break them apart. You know it's some kind of undoing the power of love you casted on them" I said.

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