Date tomorrow?

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The boys all ran out of Niall’s room, while I slowly walked back to my room to get a pair of shoes. I decided to wear a pair of black vans. Once I got my shoes, I ran downstairs where the boys were all ready to leave.

‘’ mum are you coming with us also’’ I asked while putting on my shoes

‘’ oh no, it’s fine. You guys go a have fun’’ she said with a smile

‘’ alright well see you later’’

‘’ bye love’’

I walked out the front door with the boys into Harry’s car once again. The car ride wasn’t that long, it was about 10minutes away from the house.

‘’ here we are’’ Harry told us with his thumps up

‘’ FINALLY!’’ Niall open the door and ran into Nandos

‘’ he’s always like this’’ Liam laugh

‘’ really? He must really like this restaurant then’’

‘’ he doesn’t like it. He LOVES it’’ Liam and I laugh

I noticed how they were all walking fast inside but really didn’t know why. I tried to keep up to them as much as I can. Louis open the door for us and we entered Nandos. Niall was already sitting in a booth ordering his food. Louis and Liam sat on the side where Niall was, while Harry,Zayn and I slid into the other seat.

‘’ What’s good here’’ I ask

‘’ everything’’ they all answered at the same time

I decided to get a salad since I wasn’t that hungry. My first meal in Mullingar better be good I told myself. We all order our meals, and started talking from where I was from. Until ..

‘’ OH MY GOD ITS ONE DIRECTION!’ I heard a girl screaming from the other side of Nandos

‘’ oh no, not good’’ Harry exclaimed

‘’ guys let’s just go and say hi for she can calm down’’ Zayn explain

‘’ wait here Sara, we’ll be right back’’ Niall got up and followed the boys

I was confuse why this girl was screaming and going crazy about the boys. Who was One Direction anyways? I needed to ask the boys when they get back. It was my mission I told myself.

It took about 10minutes until the boys came back from seeing a fan I guess. They all looked at me weirdly.

‘’ you know who we are right’’ Liam asked

‘’ I was about to ask you guys why she was screaming’’ I was so confuse

‘’ Mate she probably doesn’t know who we are, were not really that famous in Canada’ ’Louis spoke

‘’ are you guys some type of tumblr famous guys are something?’’ I ask

‘’ no silly, were a boy band. Were One Direction’’ Louis said with a grin on his face. God he was so cute!

‘’ Oh that’s cool. Can you guys tell me more about your boy band ‘’

They all looked at me with a smile ‘’ sure why not’’ Harry said with a big smile on his face

The boys started to explain One Direction to me, and how famous they were in the UK and Ireland. I stayed surprise how I didn’t know about them, I have met Simon once with daddy and watch the x-factor but never knew about One Direction. Wow Niall is my famous twin brother, I hope I’ll get used to it!

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