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We all go to the beach. Wyatt has Payton on his back and I have Hayden on my side. She lays her head on my bare shoulder and holds onto my finger.

Payton sits beside me and plays in the sand. Y/n plays Volleyball with Wyatt, Finn, Jaeden, Owen and Logan. Jack sits with Hayden and plays with her. I look at Payton. "We can build a House" she says while making a stack of sand. I smile and watch as the wind blows her hair. She grabs a stick and hands it to me. I snap it in half and hand her the smallest part. She draws windows and makes a door by pressing her finger into the sand. I smile. I look over at
Y/n. She's the only one not in a Swimming suit. She's in shorts and a tank top. She looks at me. I reach my arm out. She sits beside me. I put my arm around her waist. "Are you pregnant" I look at her and move a strand of hair out of her face. She shakes her head. "Why?" She hugs my neck. I shrug. "You always wear a two piece and your in regular clothes" I look in her eyes. "If I was pregnant I would tell you, you know that" She looks at me. I nod and kiss her.
"Daddy" Payton taps my arm. I hold
Y/n and look over. Payton points to the sand house. I smile and nod.
"It looks good" I hold the side of her face. She smiles. I smile and put my arm back around y/n.

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