
590 13 1

5 months later

I watch out the window as Payton throws a basketball in the goal. I sit beside y/n on the couch and grab Hayden. I sit her on my lap and look at y/n. She lays her head on my shoulder. I look at Hayden. She plays with the string on my pants. I run my hand on the side of her head. She looks at y/n. I smile and rub her ear. Payton runs in. She has her hand over her mouth. Y/n grabs Hayden. I stand up and move her hand. I watch as blood goes down her lip. She opens her mouth. One of her front teeth are hanging. I smile and go into the kitchen. She follows me. I grab a paper towel and put water on it. I lift her up with one arm and sit her on the counter. Y/n puts Hayden down and stands beside me. "Do I pull it?" I look at her. She shrugs. Payton whines. I look at her. "It won't hurt that bad" I tilt her head up. She nods. "Promise?" She looks at me. I look at y/n. She just shrugs. "No" I look at her. "But if it hurts, You can have ice cream" I look at her. She nods and smiles. I nod and open her mouth. I grip onto the tooth. She whines. I let go and look at her. She looks at me. "Do you want to hold my hand?" She nods. I hold my hand out that's not covered in blood. She grabs onto it. She tilts her head back. I start wiggling the tooth. Y/n watches. I gently pull on it. She squeezes my hand. I yank on it. She jumps. I groan and raise up. She looks at me. I look at her. "Did it hurt?" She nods. "I'm sorry" I kiss her head and tilt her chin. She grabs a hold of my hand. I pull on the tooth and she squeezes my hand. It comes out and blood pours out. I grab the paper tower and put it on the gap. She raises her head up and looks at the tooth. "Ew" She giggles. I smile and laugh. I lift her up and hand y/n the tooth. I take Payton to her room. She jumps on the bed. I smile and kiss her head. She smiles.

Stars ~ {Nicholas Hamilton x reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon